Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Speed Kills

If you can do something faster than everyone else, you win. At the very least, it becomes very difficult to lose.

The two greatest enemies of speed are procrastination and perfectionism. These two often feed each other in a vicious cycle of non-productivity.

  • You don’t start because you’re worried about conditions being perfect.
  • You don’t finish because you think you can somehow make it perfect.

Perfect is a theoretical concept. It doesn’t mean anything and it doesn’t exist. When you chase it, you’re just distracting yourself from what really matters:

  1. Execution: Doing something rather than nothing. If the results weren’t ideal, you took your idea from the comfortable space in your mind and put it into the world to be tested.
  2. Feedback: The idea was tested. Now you know where it’s strong and weak. You know if it’s even worth a damn continuing. But now you know how reality judges the merit of your idea and its execution.
  3. Implementation: Put this feedback into action. Implementation is a lot easier to perform than execution because, at this point, you’ve already done the hard work AND you’ve seen that the world didn’t completely reject it.
  4. Iteration: Take everything you’ve learned and execute from the beginning again.

Now you can attempt to make it “perfect”. You keep trying, testing new modifications and adapting, and making your idea better.

This is the general process for improvement in any endeavour. The faster you execute, the faster you get through the process. The faster you get through the process, the faster you get results.

This is not contradictory to patiently sticking with something until you see the results. This attitude is reserved until after you’ve taken the first step.

  • You don’t know how strong you can become until you finally get in the gym. Only then does your mindset change to making long-term gains.
  • You don’t know how well you can learn another language until you take your first class. Only then does your mindset shift to developing fluency.
  • You don’t know how much money you can make until you release that product. Only then does your mindset change to building a long-term business.

Speed kills.

Get it done.

Stop procrastinating.

Perfection is bull****.

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


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