Sunday 4 July 2021

Quick Guide to Selling Your Product On Social Media

So. Many. Platforms.

I know, it can make you dizzy. 

There are SO many social media sites these days and mastering them seems more difficult as the days go on. 

In today’s update I wanted to simplify things a bit for you.

Because here’s the truth - not all social media sites are the same. 

People go to Instagram for different reasons than they go to Facebook…

They’re watching different videos on YouTube than they would on Facebook.

So, doing what some gurus teach and trying to post your content on ALL of the social media outlets out there may not be the best strategy. 

Here’s my advice:

Stick to ONE social media platform, understand it well, master it, and simply try to get better at that ONE platform to grow your email list than trying to post on all of them.

But which platform should you choose?

Well, that’s up to you - but here’s a helpful guide.

INSTAGRAM: If you like posting lifestyle pictures of yourself, your family, your vacations, your cars, your home - Instagram is a great place for you. People don’t visit Instagram for education or to read up on the latest strategies, they want to be inspired, get quick tips, and engage with you about your life in general - not specifically about your teaching.

That’s why quotes and graphics also do well on Instagram. Their goal is to inspire you rather than give you the Top 10 Email Subject lines.

If that’s not your thing, let’s keep going.

TIK TOK & INSTAGRAM REELS: If you like the idea of a short-form hack or training that you can condense in under a minute - post on these channels! Remember, speed and efficiency is your friend here and you don’t need to hit them with all of the details, just make sure to tell them to subscribe to your email list to learn more.

YOUTUBE: If you’re ready to provide tutorials on longer form reviews on products or software, this is the platform to focus on. You don’t need to show your face or have any fancy equipment, but you’ll want to focus on being thorough.

PINTEREST: If you’ve got an eye for design and can create images that capture attention, try uploading to Pinterest. Pinterest is a platform that continues to grow but digital marketers don’t spend a lot of time here so there’s a LOT of opportunity.

FACEBOOK GROUPS: I’ll be honest, Facebook Pages have very low reach these days and I wouldn’t try putting all of your focus there. Instead, if you’re the type that loves to contribute on Facebook Groups, try finding groups in your specific niche and post there. Be sure to include a link to your email subscription in your profile. If you provide a lot of value, people will naturally visit your profile and want to reach out to you!

Alright, I think that’s enough for now to get you started. 

Remember, the BEST thing you can do when you’re trying to figure out what platform is right for you, is simply to check out what’s trending or what’s most popular on that platform and see if it’s the type of content you’re interested in posting. 

The beauty of being an affiliate marketer and growing your email list is that there’s no one way to do it. 

It may take some time figuring out which methods are right for you - but it’s WORTH it if you’re looking to build a long-term business.

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


Saturday 3 July 2021

Turning Fear into Success

Rejection isn't the end of the world, not by a long shot.

A big part of my current business model is that I reach out to people that I look up to, to celebrities, to other business people, to other products and companies all the time to say, Hey, I'd like to work with you. I'd like to do a project, or have you as a sponsor etc.

And they continually reject me. 90% of the people I reach out to reject me.

I've had people whose podcasts have an audience that could best be described as middling and microscopic compared to mine.

And some of them take the time to write really mean emails to me to say, we would never have someone like you. You're not nearly well known enough. You're not nearly famous enough. You don't have a big enough audience.

And I say, well, my audience is 30 times bigger than yours.

I've had the same email from someone whose audience is a hundred times bigger than mine.

So it doesn't matter the size of the audience or the celebrity of the person who's rejecting you. It happens all the time.

People who are struggling to make ends meet and millionaires both reject me, so I could think about that as an end result.

The part I'm afraid of is the rejection. It feels bad.

But instead I focused on the process.

As the first part of the process is find a hundred people I want to reach out to and make a list of those hundred people. Then I find and make a list of their contact information.

So right now that's all I'm doing. I'm not thinking about the final result where I might get rejected. So I'm thinking about that. I build that list.

Then I say, okay. I want to find what they're most well known for, whether it's their blog or podcast or their favourite topic to talk about, or a book.

And I make a list of that and then I make a bullet point about each one of those things so in my email, I can say one thing that's specific about them, and then I take my email template and I send them out one by one.

And sometimes I use a piece of software that lets me write an email template, and then it fills in the blanks with those four pieces of content so I can email all those people at once.

It's all process. So I don't have to be afraid, because by the time I'm sending the emails, I've already written a hundred and I don't think about it.

But if I just did it one by one, I'd be so afraid. I'd be so terrified.

And there are people that I've sent emails to, I go, this person would never respond to me. And then they do.

And there are people that have rejected me and then a year later reach out to me because they don't realise I'm the same person that they rejected.

And if we circle back to our previous lesson about micro loops and micro successes, it makes sense because we can break down a process into small pieces and give ourselves rewards.

I can say, Oh, I've got my list of a hundred people. Check. Feel good about yourself. You accomplish the goal.

Oh, I have all their contact information, whether it's linked to their contact page or their email address or their social media platform where they do most of their conversations. Check. I've accomplished a goal.

And at the end of the day I can say, wow, I accomplished all these goals.

So the benefit of this process is twofold.

Number one, I'm so focused on the current step that I don't think about the things I'm afraid of.

And number two, each time I achieve success, I feel good.

Which means by the time you get to the part that's scary. I've already had 17 successes and it just becomes an 18th success in a successful series, and that's very powerful.

PS. Take whatever process or whatever thing you're afraid of right now, and break it down into smaller pieces. Just make a list of the steps.

It could be bullet points, whether it's five steps or 20 steps or a hundred steps.

The more steps the better. And then circle the steps you're afraid of.

If you break down a process into a hundred steps and you're afraid of three of them.

That means you're only afraid of 3% of what you thought you were.

97% of the things you're afraid of just got eliminated. It's that powerful.

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


Friday 2 July 2021

A Defeat in Detail...

Winning is not about the biggest battles.

It's about consistency of winning, small engagement after small engagement over time, until eventually your enemy's conquered and this can apply to warfare, dating or business.

Success in business doesn't come from a big win or a magical Monday. It comes from consistent, successful action.

Every single day comes from answering your emails in a timely fashion.

Every day comes from working on your blog, working on your podcast, working on your book, whatever you're working on, and putting in one or two hours every day of really, really high efficiency work.

Because when you do that, you become limitless. That's where real power lies.

It's not in the person who has a massive day and hits a home run and then strikes out week after week after week until the next home run a month later. Now we're playing money ball.

You want to break down your day into process.

As I mentioned in the first email in this series, process is how I overcome my fears.

Every single task that I'm approaching, I break it down into the smallest steps possible.

Now, in business, I do this with project management software and checklists.

I make a checklist of every single little task that has to be done for this piece of work, and every time I finish a step and I get to click that checkbox, I get hit a dopamine.

My body says, you hit a goal that feels good.

The mistake many of us make is at the end of the day, we didn't have any checklists. We didn't have any goals, so we just kind of have a vague feeling of whether it was a good or bad day and you go, did you accomplish anything? I'm not really sure. I can't remember what I did.

But when you have checklists and you have tracking, you could say, I did 17 tasks today. I completed 17 things in the same way.

I broke down dating into a process, and that's why I succeeded. My dating process begins when the workday ends, and I used to have a very long and very complicated ritual.

In fact, I was interviewed for a few different articles about my dating ritual at the time which had nothing to do with other people.

People would ask about how I would get myself into the zone or comfortable enough to talk to strangers, which was my greatest fear.

And it would begin by listening to the right music, having a whole process for how I get dressed, how I do my hair, how I shower, the order in which I put on my clothes, how I choose which watch to wear, which belt to wear, the music I listened to as I'm walking to or driving to a riding on the subway, to the venue, how I talked to the bouncer at the door.

I used to have a rule that I do not talk to strangers before my first drink so that I have a buffer between my fear and the first conversation.

So all the while I'm getting more and more excited and I don't have to worry because the first drink is all about me.

Once I finished that drink and I went to order my second drink, then I talked to the first person who was anywhere near me.

And by then, because I followed a process of tiny, tiny steps when I'm getting dressed, I'm just thinking about getting dressed and because I'm able to focus on the small detail, the fear isn't there.

So when you approach your business and you're afraid of failure, afraid of success, or you're afraid that something won't work, just work on the process.

More about this tomorrow.

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


Thursday 1 July 2021

The Process of Fear

I went on a journey to get good at dating.

It began with my roommate. I have always been bad in the singles world, at least.

I had been when I was 27 and all of this happened. My roommate was so bad that our friend gave him a book on flirting for his birthday.

Now, my friend at the time was a musician and a traveling band, so you'd think life couldn't be easier.

He was a musician and his backup was, it was a really, really good magician.

Those are two hobbies that people find engaging and interesting and make it so easy to start conversations.

As you can imagine, he didn't enjoy getting a gift that basically said, "Hey, you're terrible at dating buddy. This can fix you."

When I saw that book, I said, "Hey, can I check that out?" I read it in a single day, I didn't sleep. Took me about 30 hours.

I was so engaged. And if I learned one thing from that book, it's possible to get better.

And if it's possible, then it's inevitable.

If you apply enough motivation and effort to something that's possible, eventually success is inevitable.

It's just a matter of time. Whether it takes one week, one year, or a thousand years. Obviously, I didn't have a thousand years.

And on that journey, which eventually led me to my wife and my children, I had to face my fear again and again, and I'll never forget.

I went to a bar one night right near my house. Hundreds of people flirting at a popular bar and everyone is between the ages of 20 and 30.

I'm standing next to a girl in line. There's nothing happening around us. She's bored. I'm bored.

And I was so afraid. I started crying and I was terrified.

And the moment sticks in my mind because that was a moment where fear crushed me and I could have let it, let it lead me to quitting and giving up.

But instead I saw the opportunity. I said, I'm terrified, but at least I'm trying. And so the first key to success in the face of fear is what I call micro loops.

And that is where you give yourself a reward every time you have a tiny success, no matter how small.

The only reason that I ever got good at dating, was that every time something would go wrong, I would say at least you tried.

So I cried standing next to someone. Nothing happened. We never spoke to each other. She probably didn't even notice me.

I was openly weeping and I went home devastated at my failure, and I looked in the mirror and said, that was one of the hardest things you've ever done, but at least you did it.

And I went on an epic journey that eventually led a publisher to reaching out to me to write a book of my own about dating.

That all started with that pivotal moment of terror and facing my fear.

If there's something you're afraid of, you need to break it down into tiny steps so that you can have tiny successes on the way. And we're going to dig more into this tomorrow.

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur