Monday, 7 June 2021

How to Stop Worrying and Start Loving the Stress

It seems like centuries ago when they sold us the dream of “working from home in your pajamas” as the ultimate reward for building your own business.

Then, you know, Covid happened.

Most of us discovered that working from home actually sucks. Even if you’re well off and can afford to have a separate office in your house… There are all sorts of challenges. Kids are home and hogging the internet. Your partner is probably working from home, too.

There are endless distractions - and suddenly, everyone thinks that the best time for you to do your chores is around 2pm on a weekday. Ugh.

Overall productivity hasn’t dropped, research says - maybe only a little.

But the cost of it is tremendous. Most people tell me they’re working longer hours and are terrified about losing their job.

Now, at this point most productivity and business gurus would give you a bunch of tips on how to lessen the amount of stress in your life.

Like, have a structure to your day. Or have multiple income streams. Or meditate. Doesn’t matter… because none of that works.


Stress is a reality of modern life.

Even if you’ve figured out how to not be stressed about your income (which is nearly impossible, since it’s linked to your survival), there’s going to be something else to be stressed about. Stuff on the news. How the kids are doing at school. And so on and so forth.

So here’s what you do instead.

Welcome stress.

Dealing with stress a lot of the time just requires you to shift your perspective on it.

Treat it as an opportunity that will result in a good outcome.

Develop a default belief system that is positive, hopeful, and always think about the best outcome. There’s even been research that once you do that, the negative effects of stress dissipates.

Then, the stress won’t matter. And you’ll be able to focus on what matters most right now in your life… despite everything that’s going on in the world.

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


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