Sunday, 6 June 2021

How to Change Someone’s Opinion

Anyone who’s ever done anything in sales or marketing or public relations knows that if you attack people’s beliefs with reason, all you’ll do is antagonize them.

For example, if someone believes that the Earth is flat, you can demonstrate all kinds of proof that it isn’t, but all that’s going to accomplish is they’re just going to think you’re annoying.

It’s the same with success psychology.

Most people think they don’t deserve success. And therefore, they usually don’t experience it.

It’s the good old “if you think you can, you’re probably right. If you think you can’t, you’re probably right too”.

Here’s the problem: if you want to help someone with that - and since we’re all in the business of helping other people do or get things - you need to know this.

You can tell someone all day long that they deserve success, wealth, health, and all the other good stuff. They’d like you for it, but when you’re done talking, they’ll just go back to their old beliefs.

On the other hand, if you’re able to help someone experience what it feels like to actually deserve things… you’ll turn their life around in a very short amount of time.

It’s because their beliefs have been changed. By themselves through experience… by the right kind of nudge on the outside.

It goes for you, too - and for me, as well.

Once we experience a different paradigm, it’s almost impossible to go back to the old one.

How do you do that?

Start small. I know it can be annoying to make one $47 sale when you want to make millions of dollars online, but the $47 sale can be within your reach in hours from now if you really apply yourself.

The money of course wouldn’t matter as much (because if it does, you have more urgent problems than your success belief system and building a business online) - but what it will do is it will reset how you see the world  and your place in it.

Very interesting when that happens.

Have you experienced that in the past? Let me know!

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


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