Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Speed Kills

If you can do something faster than everyone else, you win. At the very least, it becomes very difficult to lose.

The two greatest enemies of speed are procrastination and perfectionism. These two often feed each other in a vicious cycle of non-productivity.

  • You don’t start because you’re worried about conditions being perfect.
  • You don’t finish because you think you can somehow make it perfect.

Perfect is a theoretical concept. It doesn’t mean anything and it doesn’t exist. When you chase it, you’re just distracting yourself from what really matters:

  1. Execution: Doing something rather than nothing. If the results weren’t ideal, you took your idea from the comfortable space in your mind and put it into the world to be tested.
  2. Feedback: The idea was tested. Now you know where it’s strong and weak. You know if it’s even worth a damn continuing. But now you know how reality judges the merit of your idea and its execution.
  3. Implementation: Put this feedback into action. Implementation is a lot easier to perform than execution because, at this point, you’ve already done the hard work AND you’ve seen that the world didn’t completely reject it.
  4. Iteration: Take everything you’ve learned and execute from the beginning again.

Now you can attempt to make it “perfect”. You keep trying, testing new modifications and adapting, and making your idea better.

This is the general process for improvement in any endeavour. The faster you execute, the faster you get through the process. The faster you get through the process, the faster you get results.

This is not contradictory to patiently sticking with something until you see the results. This attitude is reserved until after you’ve taken the first step.

  • You don’t know how strong you can become until you finally get in the gym. Only then does your mindset change to making long-term gains.
  • You don’t know how well you can learn another language until you take your first class. Only then does your mindset shift to developing fluency.
  • You don’t know how much money you can make until you release that product. Only then does your mindset change to building a long-term business.

Speed kills.

Get it done.

Stop procrastinating.

Perfection is bull****.

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Outta Time! Incredible Lead Gen Training Going Offline

Depending on when you read this, you might already be running out of time to watch this training here:

Watch Now

In a nutshell, it will let you build an indestructible foundation to your online business… by filling your list with high quality leads that you can engage with offers - over and over again.

So, watch this video - as much as you need to to make an informed decision. However, at some point you’re going to need to get off the fence and say yes or no. Because “maybe” is not going to be an option in just a few hours.

Watch Now

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


Monday, 28 June 2021

The Trickiest Part when Starting a Business Online?

Come to think of it, the trickiest part about starting a business is finding the right niche and honing in on your ideal customer.

Most people have a hard time doing that. 

Especially because the stakes are high. Pick wrong and you potentially risk losing months, even years of your life pursuing something that’s just not worth it - doesn’t matter, financially or to you as a person.

There are a lot of different methods people teach, but I like to stick with the simplest one, especially if you're just starting out.

Your target audience is generally you, but an earlier stage in your journey.

What your problems were, your level of knowledge, the things you tried, who you listened to… all these factors and more from your own experiences, these are often going to be the same details your ideal audience is being affected by.

And since you've been through those experiences and come out the other side, you're the perfect person to help.

What’s the best vehicle for you to deliver that help?

All is revealed here:

Watch the Training

In a nutshell, it’s a simple three step method:

Pick a lucrative niche.

Give away your lead magnet.

Email your new audience offers they’ll enjoy and laugh all the way to the bank.

… Of course, the devil is in the details - but we have you covered. Watch this training replay - it goes away tomorrow, though, so don’t put it off.

Watch Here

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


Sunday, 27 June 2021

“I can’t get my Business Started, because…”

“I can’t get my business started because people have no idea why they should listen to me.” 

“I can’t get my business started because I can’t reach enough people.” 

“I can’t get my business started because I have nothing to show people.” 

This is more common than you think.

When you’re just starting out, it is hard to feel confident about the value you bring to the marketplace. 

And, by the way, make no mistake… if you do something, anything… you are bringing value to the marketplace. Maybe more, maybe less… but certainly more than people who are stuck doing nothing.

In this training, you will discover how to create a natural value multiplier… that will solve all of the above woes and more. 

Watch it Here

It works in almost any niche you can imagine. It works if you have no experience. It works even if right now your list size is zero… and it certainly works no matter where you are in the world.

Plus, if you hate selling, you’re going to love this.

The most brilliant thing about it, though…

Is that the time investment compared to the return you’ll get is out of this world.

Here’s the caveat, though. While anyone can create an asset like this, for most people it’ll take years (not kidding!) and it won’t even be very effective.

There’s a very specific structure and approach you have to follow if you want to get this done in mere hours and get results almost instantly… and it is all revealed here:

Watch Here

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


Saturday, 26 June 2021

Can You Blame Them, Though?

When you’re building your email list, your first impulse is probably to come up with a short PDF, a checklist, or something like that, as the “reason why” people should give you their email.

And while it’s certainly better than doing nothing…

It will fill your list with people’s 3rd-best-spam-email-address that they never read. (And can you blame them?)

It’s still better than having no list, and over time, you will convert some of them into buyers… but if you want to get potential big spenders (and their primary emails) on your list… you need to change your approach.

You’ll need to project instant authority. 

Once you do that, you’ll see the massive difference it makes in the quality of leads - and also, the number of sales you’ll make when you decide to monetize that list.

The best approach to stand out anywhere (in a good sense) is to do things that other people are just not willing to do… because they perceive them to be too difficult, too time consuming, and too expensive.

This approach seems to be that… but in fact, it will take you less time than it takes for 99% of marketers to come up with a giveaway PDF.

Here’s the training where you’ll see the entire approach:

Watch Here

In fact, it might only take you hours before you have a lead magnet that attracts higher quality leads, outconverts almost anything else, and, most importantly…

Puts you in a position of authority so that people listen to you when you tell them something can be good for them - an affiliate product, your own product, or anything else. 

Check this out:

Watch it Here

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


Friday, 25 June 2021

The Biggest Con in Online Marketing?

Probably the biggest con in the online marketing world that all the gurus are in on is that you need to be an expert at something to build a business online. 

On the surface, it would certainly seem so. 

Just look at all the flashy influencers with hundreds of thousands, or even millions of followers. They certainly seem to know their stuff. So, most people make the mistake of thinking that that’s what they have to compete with. 

Not true at all.

Oh, sure, knowledge and experience help. But, if your goal is to profit… they are definitely not a requirement.

Let’s look at how to profit without being an expert.

The first thing you need to know is that expertise doesn’t actually matter all that much. It’s overrated. 

There’s something way more powerful.


Authority is very different from expertise.  Authority is the aura of trust, respect and influence a person has, rather than just their level of knowledge.

And this is something anyone can gain, which is why you see celebrities with massive followings, who have absolutely nothing of logical value to give them.

Unlike knowledge and experience, which comes with a lot of time, authority can be gained through charisma, entertainment, trust, relatability, storytelling and more.

In the beginning you have nothing else but you.  Your story.  Your life experiences.  Your unique worldview.

And that is far more powerful than you believe.

Think about the friends you look to for advice.  That's exactly the trust we aim to build for you and your business.

How do you do that?

Start by watching this training:

Watch Here

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


Thursday, 24 June 2021


If there is a shortcut to success online, it’s anything that solves your traffic problem in a way that works quickly, doesn’t require you to part with an arm and a leg to get access to, and is scalable.

This fits the bill perfectly.

Register Here

The training will start soon and, among other things, you’ll discover:

  • How to put your traffic woes to bed, once and for all
  • The unfair advantage hiding in a “technology” that’s centuries old
  • How to scale this… and build the lifestyle you want 

And more.

You have only a few hours to register - depending when you’re reading this. After that, your chance to see this live will be gone. There’s still going to be a replay, but as I’m sure you know, it’s not the same thing.

See you in a few hours!

Register Here

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Please, Don’t Say This

“The money is in the list.”


It’s one of those things that people like to say. It’s not wrong per se, but...

It’s like… you and I know that. Knowing that we should have a list is not the problem. 

But if you’ve been around for any amount of time, you know that there’s two things wrong with that statement.

  1. The money is NOT in any list - in other words, all lists are not created equal. Fill your list with freebie seekers’ 3rd-spam-email-addresses and see how much money is in that list. 
  2. Building a good list is super hard and expensive. If you approach it the wrong way, you’ll spend way more money (and time) building it than you’ll ever make out of it. 

Sorry to burst any bubbles.

However, if done right, almost every email on a good list can earn you thousands of dollars, plain and simple. 

Your own email list is also a platform that you own - as much as it is possible to own anything in this digital world we live in. 

If you have your own profitable list, you’re not dependent on the whims of Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook… or any other social media. 

The constant shifting ground, the ever-changing rules… is only half of the problem.

The other half is that if you try to reach your customers on social media, you’re fighting for scraps of their attention. There are videos for them to watch, there’s a risqué photo of their “the one that got away”, there’s an article that seems interesting… and so on and so forth.

Your marketing will have to be absolutely on point - and I mean at a multi-million-dollar level - to compete with that.

Is there a way around it?

Glad you asked.

You can circumvent all the noise happening online by leveraging something that’s centuries old… yet unparalleled when it comes to capturing long term attention. (Which is what you want in the attention economy - the more attention anyone pays to anything, the more valuable it becomes to them).

My mentor Jason Fladlien noticed one of his students making waves with his new lead generation approach… and he’s going to share it with you tomorrow here:

Register Here

It’s surprisingly simple… and it might just end all your traffic woes forever.

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur