Friday, 12 March 2021

Relax and Profit More

There are a lot of things that are common knowledge… but are wrong.

For example, bears don’t actually care much about honey. What they’re really after is the bee larvae which is packed with protein.

Here’s another example. When you want to say that someone can’t focus on something for too long, you say they have an attention span of a goldfish. Not true. Goldfish don’t actually have a 15 second (or whatever the number is) memory - and they can actually be taught tricks, if you’re dedicated enough. 

My favourite though? Everyone says that the Great Wall of China is visible from space. But according to people who have been to space… it isn’t. It’s just not wide enough, apparently.

Anyhow, let’s cut it with the trivia - 

What does all of this have to do with you?

You see, there’s a lot of common knowledge in internet marketing that is plain wrong, too.

Such as the idea that you need a lot of traffic to make a lot of sales. No, you don’t. All you need is a trickle of the right kind of traffic and you’ll make plenty of money (even if you won’t top any affiliate contests). 

Or the idea that you need a huge email list in order to profit. In fact, most “experts” will say you need a bigger list if you tell them your list is only, I don’t know 500 people. Yet all lists are not created equal. What if these people are proven high ticket buyers who happen to be in the market for exactly what you have?

Another one is that you need to work 16 hour days, and hustle and grind yourself to the point of burning out in order to achieve anything online.

No you don’t. 

What you need, though, is first, watch this training:

Click here

You’ll not only discover tactical insights such as where to get traffic or how to build an email list, but also how to work less, not more, on your online business.

You’ll also discover the new core fundamentals without which your online business is going to be doomed before you even start getting it off the ground.

Listen. You need things to be simpler than ever before - because, for a while, the world will continue to get more and more chaotic.

If it’s something you can provide to other people, too…it’s going to be a VERY profitable year for you.

Here’s the thing, though. Simplicity is just one of the new rules of internet marketing. Easy to understand, but hard to pull off.

There are at least 3 more major rules - all revealed here:

Click here

I’ve held back the best part, however.

About 15 minutes in, there’s going to be an insane offer on the table. Literally thousands of dollars worth of value for less than the cost of a few lattes. 

Now, you don’t have to take it. You might want to (and if you do, you’re going to see why it’s realistic to think that 99% of people reading this have the ability to make $10,000 in a single month from scratch), but you don’t have to.

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


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