Saturday, 29 May 2021

NZD - Four Things to do Every Day

Yesterday I talked about how I have “no zero days” while I’m working…

And now I want to help pass that ethic on to you.

So why don't you take a few minutes and read this, because… once you do, you’ll have a strong idea of what you should be doing to build your business on a regular basis.

Even if you don’t have a lot of time or money, all you have to do is do this consistently for a few months, and you’ll see results. This works regardless of your skill level or specialty. Just keep doing this, and you’ll get somewhere.

You need four things in online business. And I'd like you to work just a little on improving these four things every day.

1. You need your own website, that has five buttons people can use to give you money.

This is just a simple web page with payment button that will allow you to take Paypal payments or credit card payments. And once they pay, they will get sent to a simple download page.

You don't need anything fancy, you don't need anything too technical. The web page works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

2. You need a web presence. That can come in the form of a blog post if you're a good writer, it can be a podcast if you prefer to talk, it can be videos.

But you're consistently publishing content under your own name, that nobody else owns.

3. You need social and industry connections. There's no such thing as “you can't afford to network”, or you don't have time.

If you don't have a bunch of money, networking becomes more important and not less.

4. The last thing you need is scheduling. That means taking time to plug your work into software that puts your work in people's hands.

That can be putting something into an auto-responder, uploading an article to your website, making a podcast. Whatever you prefer.

Tomorrow, I'm going to show you how to work a little on these four things every day.

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


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