Monday, 31 May 2021

The Problem I have with "Financial Freedom"

Financial freedom is a much overused phrase, even though it's become a pretty 'trendy' term too.

Everyone uses it. Everyone wants it. Many promise it.

But few know how to truly obtain it.

Financial freedom is a state where you no longer have to worry about money. It's where you have the freedom to do whatever you want, to work whenever or wherever you want, and spend time with your loved ones all you want.

It's a concept most people will only ever dream of.

But with all the noise out there, people end up getting burned chasing 'get rich quick' schemes or following the wrong 'gurus'.

They become disillusioned and jaded.

Others are too afraid to even try, believing that it's for other people, or that they aren't good enough.

And that's the biggest problem.

Financial freedom is actually more attainable than you might think, but it does require you to believe that it's possible for you.

Otherwise, your subconscious mind will start sabotaging you and you'll end up fulfilling your own self-prophecy.

As I've said before and will say again, when you break things down into a process, everything becomes a lot more achievable, more tangible and real.

And when you follow that process step by step, it will become less scary.

Soon enough, you'll realise financial freedom isn't just a dream, it's an outcome.

A goal you can hit.

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


Sunday, 30 May 2021

NZD - Here's Your Daily Schedule

Remember what I said. No zero days. I want to help you focus on getting a little progress made every day.

Even if you're exhausted, have a day job, have kids, you can consistently do or task per day.

None of them need to take more than an hour.

Here's an example.

Write one article. It doesn't need to be long. Figure out how much you can write if you sit and focus for an hour and write that.

Upload one article. Literally copy and paste what you wrote. Proofread it if you have time.

Go on social media and send a personal message to three marketers that you follow.

Write two emails for your auto-responder. Even if you don't have any followers, just write down something you learned today.

Go and see how long it takes for you to do this. It shouldn't be more than an hour and a half.

It's not a huge list, it's not life changing. It's small, it's simple, and it keeps you from being burned out.

It's fun to read message boards and post to Twitter and work on some amazing product, but that's not going to make you money!

So focus on doing what helps!

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


Saturday, 29 May 2021

NZD - Four Things to do Every Day

Yesterday I talked about how I have “no zero days” while I’m working…

And now I want to help pass that ethic on to you.

So why don't you take a few minutes and read this, because… once you do, you’ll have a strong idea of what you should be doing to build your business on a regular basis.

Even if you don’t have a lot of time or money, all you have to do is do this consistently for a few months, and you’ll see results. This works regardless of your skill level or specialty. Just keep doing this, and you’ll get somewhere.

You need four things in online business. And I'd like you to work just a little on improving these four things every day.

1. You need your own website, that has five buttons people can use to give you money.

This is just a simple web page with payment button that will allow you to take Paypal payments or credit card payments. And once they pay, they will get sent to a simple download page.

You don't need anything fancy, you don't need anything too technical. The web page works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

2. You need a web presence. That can come in the form of a blog post if you're a good writer, it can be a podcast if you prefer to talk, it can be videos.

But you're consistently publishing content under your own name, that nobody else owns.

3. You need social and industry connections. There's no such thing as “you can't afford to network”, or you don't have time.

If you don't have a bunch of money, networking becomes more important and not less.

4. The last thing you need is scheduling. That means taking time to plug your work into software that puts your work in people's hands.

That can be putting something into an auto-responder, uploading an article to your website, making a podcast. Whatever you prefer.

Tomorrow, I'm going to show you how to work a little on these four things every day.

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


Friday, 28 May 2021

NZD Free Training

The stuff that you do every day REALLY adds up.

I've been cycling for a few years now. 7 days a week. Partially, it's because I've been spending so much time on the computer the last few years trying to get to this point and I need to do something physical, get the blood flowing, burn some extra calories.

I used to be more active when I was younger so getting back into it is, well, like riding a bike!

And it's taken some time, but I'm starting to find my level. I'm not the fittest, but I can test myself up & down hills and get the heart rate up. It's good for thinking too, helps me focus.

I'm not going to the Olympics, but I feel good.

Once in a while, I have loads of work or simply don't feel great.

But I get the bike out anyway. I just turn the pedals and see where that takes me.

It all adds up.

The days that you don't do anything add up too.

So when you have a busy day, try to get in the habit of doing *something* in your business.

Write half an article. Work on half an email. Contact one JV.

Go through the motions.

At worst, you're keeping yourself from backsliding.

At best, you might get more done while you're there.

What have you been working on, and what's the least you need to do to go forward?

Think about it and get there.

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


Thursday, 27 May 2021

No Zero Days

If you’ve been hearing a lot of this weird “JUST DO IT” rhetoric, I’m sorry.

One of the many things that bugs me is when “gurus” tell people to just get rid of obstacles, set priorities and just get it done.

On one hand, they’re not exactly “wrong”, and I’ve probably said something like that myself a few times…

At the end of the day, you can do anything you set your mind to, when you clear your mind, clear your schedule, and set your priorities.

But the problem is that I used to be a teacher…

(I still am I guess 😜)

And I know that often the theories you learn about in a book…

Can run smack into people’s realities.

Everybody comes from a different space. We all have different backgrounds, family history, skills and priorities. We all have different ways of learning and doing, and I have no idea what’s going to make things “click” for you individually.

And any teacher that says “if you want it, just do it”… is a LAZY teacher. I’ve run into plenty of those in my life’s journey and I don’t want to be that way.

So my goal isn’t to teach you “the way” to do things…

I try to build & source systems for success, and then figure out different way to help lead you from one point to another.

If you can’t find a way to do it my way… hopefully you’ll find a way to do it your way.

I want to give you some free training this week.

You don’t have to sign up for anything, I’m just going to plop it right here in your inbox. If you feel like you just don’t have the time or money to build your business…

Please read carefully, listen and do this method.

Tomorrow, I'm going to teach you the No Zero Days method - it ensures that you always make progress and that your business grows every single day!

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Would you like Fries with that?

Are you familiar with this line:

“Would you like fries with that?”

The cashiers are trained to ask you if you want fries with your order.

They might also ask you if you want a salad or a side dish to go with your meal.

Fast food upsells are probably some of the best you’ll ever see in the world. In fact if you followed the upsell “rules” used by fast food restaurants, you’ll be stunned by the results.

Let’s look at these rules.

First and foremost when you buy a burger at a fast food restaurant…

Have they ever asked you to buy another burger?

Or, when you bought fries… have they ever asked you to buy another order of fries?

Of course not!

They know that won’t work.

(Yes, there are exceptions to the rule in other niches. Think 2+1 razor blade offers or whatnot.)

Because “more of the same” doesn’t just mean more of the same type of product.

It goes beyond that.

When people say “more of the same” they mean more of the same value proposition. As in, do your customers feel like you’re trying to sell the same value proposition to them?

Because when some marketers present their upsells, the upsells are often pitched as being the same thing as the product the customer just bought. In their mind, the customer will feel that buying the upsell will just confuse them. Because they already have something to solve their problem. Why would they want to buy something else?

The key here is to look at where the main offer and the upsell overlap in content. Then, compare where they are different.

After which you focus on how the upsell complements the primary offer in your copy.

But, this is just step one.

You see, just focusing on the differences is not enough.

You have to sell how the differences in the upsell improve the results they’re getting from the base offer.

Now here are 2 simple ways to do this:

1-Highlight how the upsell will get them results faster. Emphasis on the word “faster” here. You must not make it look like the upsell is needed to get the results promised in the base purchase… unless you wish to really annoy your buyers.

The buyer must already have an idea that the core offer they just bought will get them the results they want.

The upsell will just make that happen faster.

2-Show them how the upsell will make it easier for them to get the results they want. This one is a bit harder to pull off. Why? Because it’s easy to fall into the trap of making it look like you just took the upsell out of the main offer and now you’re selling it separately.

When you do this, focus on showing them how the upsell will make it easier to get their results. In this case, things like workbooks, checklists and tools work best in this regard. They help keep the buyer focused while also lowering the amount of work the customer has to put in.

Now as I said above…

It’s already Upsell 101 at this point not to sell more of the same thing your customers already bought.

But that doesn’t mean it’s any easier to avoid this mistake.

Just remember, if the value proposition the customer is buying into is the same… then they’re going to ask you why you’re selling them the upsell.

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


Tuesday, 25 May 2021

This is for You if...

If you hate the way your finances are (as in, too much month at the end of the money)...

... or don’t have enough time available for things you actually like and want to do (as opposed to sitting in pointless Zoom meetings and trying to work while also homeschooling your kids)... 

… or have just had it with the amount of stress in your life…

...this is for you.

The algorithm that has brought these things upon you can finally be cracked… and made to work for you, not against you.

Time is of the essence, though.

This training goes away in just a few hours, depending on when this email reaches you.

Watch it now here:

Watch Here

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


Monday, 24 May 2021

Their Hindsight is 20/20 of Course!

Most personal development gurus are great at explaining your success (or your inability to succeed) post factum. After the fact.

I have very little problem with them taking credit for some of their downright quacky tactics working if you succeed - it’s on their conscience…

...but I have a big axe to grind with them for blaming you if you’re not able to succeed.

I don’t like that they make it your fault.

You didn’t do this or didn’t do that.

Complete BS!

Let’s talk about how you actually get more money and wealth into your life.

When you start looking for answers, it gets confusing quickly. At least that was my experience when I started digging recently.


On one hand, you have the self-help gurus harping on about how you “attract what you focus on.” 

They say, if you focus on poverty, you’re going to attract that in your life. And if you focus on abundance, that’s what you’re going to attract. On the surface, this seems simple. In reality… not so much.

For example, how can you practice gratitude for something that you don’t have, in order to attract it? 

Or, how does focusing on the image of money help you notice and leverage more opportunities that have the potential of making you wealthy?

So what do you do instead?

Well, what if we elevate our thinking and look at it from a broader point of view?

You see, I recently learned that money and wealth are really just mere elements of...


Which, finally, made it click for me.

Where did I learn that?

By interacting with this gentleman:

Watch Here

Here’s the really interesting part.

In order to attract prosperity, you don’t have to become someone else. For example, you don’t need to adopt any habits you don’t want to - like, there’s no point in getting up at 5am if you function best at 10pm. 

You need to become more you

You already have an algorithm - a step by step method you execute subconsciously - that puts you at a certain level of prosperity. 

You only need to crack it in order to get any results you want.

It’s a lot like Google’s algorithm in that regard. If you know how it works, you can manipulate almost any site to the top position. 

And you can manipulate your own prosperity algorithm to put yourself at any level of prosperity you want. 

You’ll discover all the details at the link below. 

Find Out How Here

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur