Saturday, 16 January 2021

What determines your wealth, health, and prosperity?

The entire world runs on algorithms… including you, and everybody else on this planet. 

Most people upon hearing the world “algorithm” think Google, Facebook, Amazon, or something else computer-related.

Not entirely wrong.

Those companies have become the biggest in the world thanks to their super secret algorithms. For example, in 2020, Google became the third US tech company worth $1 trillion. Facebook is worth $720 billion, as of August 2020. Amazon’s owner Jeff Bezos is worth $184.4 billion - which makes him the wealthiest person in the world.

In fact, algorithms are everywhere.

It’s not as scary as it sounds. An algorithm is simply a step-by-step method to solve any given problem. It doesn’t need to be complex - it just needs to provide you with the steps necessary to solve the problem.

Think of a cookie recipe. It’s a step by step method to solve a problem of not having cookies, for whatever purpose you might need them.

The amount of money in your bank account…

is also a product of the work of an algorithm.

The amount of time available to you for activities that you want? Also determined by an algorithm. 

Your current level of prosperity is a direct result of your prosperity algorithm.

And here’s the thing. Everybody has a prosperity algorithm that they execute, without fail, 24/7. The problem is that most people, and that very likely includes you, too…

do it completely subconsciously.

What does that mean?

It means you constantly make subconscious decisions that keep you from deviating too far from the beaten path. 

Meaning, if you’re used to a certain level of prosperity, you’re going to do things that keep you at that level, simply because you don’t know how to tweak your prosperity algorithm to bring you the results you desire. 

Instead, most people will sabotage themselves. They’ll miss opportunities that are right in front of them, and even if by some miracle they come into considerable money, they’re going to blow it pretty quickly (just look at the statistics of lottery winners to see a very convincing example of this behavior).

Simply put, opportunity will have to chase you, while…

you run from it faster than Usain Bolt

… who is currently the fastest runner in the world. 

Would you like to fix this?

First, you’d have to start by examining factors of prosperity. There are at least 63 significant ones. Out of those, about 10 are critical. (Think of it like the 80/20 rule - 20% of your inputs will determine 80% of your outputs.)

For each of them, you’d have to look closely at your relationship with it… and then tweak your prosperity algorithm to no longer sabotage yourself when it comes to the relevant factor.

It’s a whole lot of work.

It’s like reverse-engineering Google’s algorithm, or Facebook’s, or Amazon’s. 

However, and you might have heard this, there are people who have cracked those algorithms and more.

The prosperity algorithm, too, has been CRACKED... the very people who have cracked Amazon’s algorithm and profited to the tune of millions and millions of dollars. People who have helped others crack Google and Facebook, and quite a few other algorithms too.

Now you can see the prosperity algorithm brought to daylight.

And update your own internal programming for prosperity!

Here’s the link to the replay of the training on this.

… And you’ll also have the chance to secure an early mover’s advantage if you want to dig even deeper into this.

Click here

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


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