Sunday, 22 November 2020

You shouldn’t listen to millionaires?


If you want to build a successful business online, you probably shouldn’t listen to people who have made millions online. At the very least, you need to be very careful about their advice.

Very few exceptions. We’ll get to that.

You see...

Most of the people who are already successful might even have your best interests at heart. Call me naive, but I believe people are inherently good and want to help each other out. If it also coincides with their self-interest, even better.

The problem, however, is that, for the most part, people who are already successful are far removed from the struggles you are experiencing in your journey.

They don’t need to get something going in the next few weeks or they’re gonna starve. 

They don’t need to focus on getting their first sale, getting the first lead on their list, and things like that. 

They, for the most part, don’t remember what it’s like to start completely from scratch, with no connections, no list, and not a whole ton of money to play with.

Which is why I’m always more interested in how someone made their first sale. Their first 3 sales. Or their first 10 sales.

Like this lady:

Click here

The best part is that while she has only made a handful sales so far online...

  • She did it in a surprisingly short amount of time - it took her just weeks to go from no list and no industry connections to making $1,000+ sales
  • She smartly outsourced the hard parts of the system (and not to just anybody with a Fiverr or Upwork account, but to people who routinely sell millions of dollars worth of products in affiliate promotions) - and she did it at a price that will make your head spin
  • Most importantly, she did it with future scalability in mind - meaning, the next time she decides she wants to make some money, she won’t have to start from scratch!

Here’s the twist.

In order to be able to do that, she did take advice from people who have already made 8 figures online. Which kind of goes against what I said at the beginning. 

So what gives, you might ask?

It’s not the advice that she benefited from the most. Yes, it was valuable, and the people who worked with her were among the ones who totally get what it’s like to start over (having themselves done it in the past).

It’s the fact that they did most of the work for her… just like they will for you.

All the details are here:

Click here

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


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