Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Why it’s so important to write down your goals

In the age of digital this & online that, writing - with a pen (or pencil) on some paper - seems to be a forgotten act.

But the mere act of writing down your plans gives them form in the physical world. Although the form is only 2 dimensional potential, it acts as a lightning rod for all of the kinetic energies required to make it a reality. If this sounds too mystical or esoteric for you, I’ll present this idea to you in a more practical manner.

I have a whiteboard in my den. While I’m working on one project, I often have lots of ideas for things to do in the future. I also remember deadlines that I have to reach in the present.

It’s much easier to write those ideas down on the whiteboard rather than try to remember later or stop working now. If I tried to do that, I’d lose the energy that I’m putting into whatever I’m working on. As long as I later revisit the notes I took, then I’ve captured lightning and I can make it available for later use.

Writing also frees up mental space.

Speaking of “catching lightning”, this highlights another reason why you should write.

The average person forgets many more ideas than they ever remember. If the ideas are forgotten, then this means that they can’t be acted upon. By writing the ideas down, these flashes of insight and reflection are captured for later use.

Many of us have had that nagging experience of forgetting something that felt important at the time, but we couldn’t bring ourselves to remember when we needed it for later use. Well, when you get the habit of writing things down, you improve your ability to retain ideas–even the ones that you don’t write down. This will happen naturally, if for no other reason than you’re starting to free up mental space by writing other things down.

There are more good reasons why you should write - I'll be exploring these in future mails.

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


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