Wednesday, 4 November 2020

My Top Tips for Selling High-Ticket Products

 Master Online Entrepreneur

Let’s be honest, selling a program for $397 is a bit more difficult than a $7 course.

Something priced at $7 is about as much as a fancy latte or frappuccino. But $397?

Now we’re in the price range of an inconvenient car repair, a Kenmore Propane grill, or an early Macbook Pro.

We typically don’t “try out” products like these, we do our research, ask questions, and purchase them thoughtfully.

So, when selling products in this price range, our job is to come alongside our customers and answer questions, educate them, and provide resources for them to do their own research.

With a High-Ticket Product, you’re no longer just a sales rep, you’re a consultant.

So in today’s newsletter I wanted to offer my top tips for selling high-ticket products as a consultant.

Tip #1: Become a Specialist, not a Generalist

Too often we’re tempted to reach everyone. More people = more sales right? Well, that may be true for lower ticketed products, but as they continue to get more expensive, customers will want a more personalized approach, and really feel you’re speaking to them.

We call this niching down.

For example, a generalist approach would find anyone and everyone who wants to learn how to make money online.

But a specialist would niche down and focus on one of the following:

-Retirees who aren’t tech savvy

-Professional marketers looking for a side income

-Uber, Lyft, Postmate drivers looking for a better income opportunity

These are all simply examples. Find the crowd YOU want to speak to, often you’ll use your own background and story to become a specialist.

Tip #2: Instigate More Conversations

With a $7 product, you can pretty much put a few email blasts in your autoresponder and predictably expect sales.

With a high ticket product, your customers will have questions, and your emails should invite them to ask those questions right in your inbox. If you really want to go the extra mile, give them a number where they can text you.

A simple way to begin a conversation is have a PS at the end of your emails that say,

“Hey, if you’re reading these emails, I’d love to hear from you! Simply hit reply at the bottom of this email and let me know your name and a little about your journey to make money online. I read and reply to every email.”

That invitation to have a subscriber offer their backstory has been tremendously helpful for me to get the conversation rolling and see how I can SPECIFICALLY help them.

Some marketers will go as far as having an entire email inviting their subscribers to respond.

The more you know about a prospect’s situation, the better suited you are to help them, and the more they’ll trust that what you’re offering is something that works for them.

Tip #3: Education is the New Selling

As a consultant, your TOP concern should be to educate your customer.

Remember, many on your email list have never heard of Affiliate Marketing, or even knew there was a way to make money online without becoming a Jeff Beezos or Mark Zuckerberg.

The more they are educated, the more they will feel comfortable spending on a product or training.

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur

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