If you’re truly ready to build a profitable online business, first, you need to let go of a few myths about what it takes to succeed.
Once you accept these for what they are - myths that bear no relation to reality - you’re going to be able to make decisions easier and faster. You’re going to be able to put your effort in where it matters. And most importantly, you’re going to be able to let go of the pressure… which, more often than not means you’re going to succeed faster than you thought possible.
#1 - Luck has nothing to do with success
FALSE. Sometimes the ball bounces your way and sometimes it doesn’t. For example, there’s this heartwarming story of a couple who met because one of them dialed the wrong number, they started to talk, talked for hours, exchanged letters, became pen pals (yeah, it was like in the 60s), met in real life, and lived happily ever after.
So luck has a lot to do with success. As online opportunities go, I think you’re at the right place at the right time broadly speaking… meaning, this is the perfect moment for you to build an online business because of what’s happening in the world…
And in a more narrow sense, you’re at the right place at the right time because you’re reading this email and I have something for you at the end of it that I think is going to change your life.
#2 - The harder you work, the more successful you are
FALSE. Hard work has very little to do with success.
Let’s look at the following example. Let’s say your job is to sweep floors. Wouldn’t you agree that sweeping the floors harder for longer will produce only marginally better results as far as your financial well-being goes?
What do you do instead?
Most people would say that you leverage your skills. Like, find a bunch of other people to sweep the floors for you. Not a bad idea… but it assumes that you have the skill necessary to run a business, market your service, all that.
There’s another approach.
You leverage the skill of others.
Have people who already are successful do the work for you. And I’ll get to how you do that at the end of this email.
#3 - You can do anything you put your mind to
FALSE. I mean, you probably can, but will you be successful at doing it?
Some people aren’t cut out to be professional athletes. Others aren’t cut out to run businesses. Others aren’t very great at math. And so on.
It’s like, if you’re not 6 foot 5 and athletically gifted, you’re probably not going to play on an NBA team, doesn't matter if you put your mind to it or not.
And as for building an online business.. There’s good news and bad news.
Bad news: if you’re not cut out to build and run a business online, you won’t stand a chance on your own. There’s simply too much skill involved… and some luck, too.
Good news: I have something for you that will let you shortcut the most important part of the online money-getting process… and you won’t have to worry about any of the stuff I talked about in this email.
Check it out:
Click here
However, don’t take too long - this is going away soon. You’ll see why once you watch the short video.
To Your Success!
Master Online Entrepreneur