Sunday, 20 September 2020

Your problem is NOT inspiration or motivation Part 2


Success Tip #2: Focus On One Thing

There’s this brilliant book by Gary Keller named The ONE Thing, which takes the well known idea that you should focus on something and get it done (and, it better be something that moves you closer to your goals)…

And explains it brilliantly in a way that sticks.

(By the way, that’s a lesson well worth learning - if you take a simple insight that everyone kind of knows and are able to explain it in a way that sticks, you’re going to do very well.)


What trips most people up is not that they don’t instinctively know that they need to focus and create outcomes.

It’s the what exactly, specifically should you be doing?

You determine that by asking the following question:

"What's the ONE Thing you can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?” (Gary Keller, The One Thing)

It’s the Pareto principle in action - since 80% of your outcomes are determined by 20% of your actions, take it one step further and determine what’s the 20% of the 20%? What’s the ONE thing you should do NOW to move forward in your business?

To me, right now, it’s writing this email. Later today that one thing that I absolutely need to get done will be laying out a page where customers can buy things. For you this might be different…

… But notice how it doesn’t say anywhere that I should distract myself by checking Facebook or email or whatnot?

Speaking of email…

Concludes tomorrow...

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