Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Why dialling down your effort is a good thing


"You have to give it your all."

"Hustle hard, and then hustle some more until you can’t breathe."

"Do 100%, 10x that, and constantly put out your best stuff."

You know what… if you can pull that off, that’s great!

99.9% of successful people can’t do that, though.

On Tim Ferris’ podcast, where he interviewed Hugh Jackman, there was a brilliant insight… that it’s actually best to give things like your 85% effort.

This way, you never procrastinate. Because you don’t have to be perfect. You just have to be good enough, and you have to be done.

This way, you also get rid of impostor syndrome. Because if you give it your 85% effort, so what if someone criticizes you. You know that it wasn’t your 100% effort and that if you wanted, you could do better, but why would you?

Your 85% will get you all the money you need and then some.

And nowhere is this more applicable than in a system I’m about to post about shortly.

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