Friday, 25 September 2020

Why is list building so hard?

Master Online Entrepreneur 

The money is in the list… or so the saying goes. 

It’s true, by the way. If you have a profitable list, and a converting offer, you’re basically set for life… or as long as people engage with your emails.

So it would only make sense - if you’re someone who wants to build a reliable, nearly passive income stream online - that your #1 priority should be to build that list. 

Easy for me to say, right?

Building a list…

… Not just any list, but a list that actually opens your emails, reads them, and buys through your links so you actually make money, is way harder than it sounds.

First of all, you need to have all the infrastructure in place. Which means having an autoresponder set up, landing pages, squeeze pages, lead magnets, email sequences, all that good stuff. 

Then, once you start getting people on your list…

You need an actual offer to put in front of them - and it better be something that’s way better than what everyone else is offering them. Your offer has to deliver actual value and has to be presented so that it’s a no-brainer to invest in it. 

All of the above - the tech, the conversion, the offer-building, and so on - are skills. And they’re crucial for your online business to even take off the ground… let alone thrive and provide you with income. 


It’s been said it takes about 10,000 hours to master a skill. 10,000 hours is about 416 days… which doesn’t sound too bad until you realize that it’s 24 hour days we’re talking here. 8 hour days, we’re talking about 1,200 days to master one of the above skills to a level that’s decent.

And after you’ve spent all that time, along comes someone who has spent even more time working on one particular skill and blows you out of the water anyway… and you’re nowhere closer to success than you’ve been. Just that 1,200 days have passed. 


There’s a much better way. 

And no, it’s not simply hiring those 1% individuals who have invested both the time and effort to master those skills. It’s way too expensive.

There’s a way to shortcut that… and all is going to be revealed soon here:

Register here

You’ll only be required to do one thing and the rest will be taken care of. 

You’ll finally start building your list the right way (plus, you’ll never have to worry about what you send your list) - and you’ll soon discover how true that saying is. The money is indeed in the list.

Register now to join the live web event here:

Register here

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