Sunday, 6 September 2020

Why it’s not mandatory to get in on the ground floor


My Uber driver knows best.
As I’m driving to pick up my car from the shop, he’s telling me all this stuff about cryptocurrency. How it’s going to save the world, how it’s the best thing since sliced bread, how it’s possible to get rich with it.
Then, he lets out a sigh.
“If only I’ve gotten in on the ground floor. But I won’t miss out now!”
I’ve arrived at my destination. My card gets charged real money - fiat money as they call it.
That makes me chuckle a little inside.
Not because I recognize the fear of missing out - which is one of the most powerful motivators if you’re a marketer.
Simply because I hear “you have to get in on the ground floor” all the time when people try to convince me why online marketing doesn’t work.
I don’t know about cryptocurrencies. But I do know that in digital marketing, that’s only partly true.
Sure, it would’ve been less competitive if you started marketing on Instagram the moment it was launched. But would it be better for you money-wise? I don’t know.
It’s like, sure, theoretically you could travel back in time, and teach people in 1639 how to build a car. You would get in on the ground floor of the car industry. A much more likely outcome is you’d be burned on a stake. A very likely outcome if you assaulted early Instagram users with marketing, too.
There are benefits - especially if you’re just starting out - of NOT being the first.
Let someone else test the waters, do the research and put together a system. Your job is to then just follow it, get initial experience, build capital and then when you’re ready, you can try and spot these fresh opportunities. But only when you’re ready.
It’s cool to get in on the ground floor, I agree. But absolutely not mandatory.
Keep an eye out… I’m going to send you something evergreen soon.
I wish I could’ve gotten that Uber driver’s email. He’d love it, too.

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