Are millennials entitled? Lazy? The cause of everything wrong with Western society?
Don’t know. What I do care about is that millennials have the largest purchasing power online. Even better, millennials are entering their prime spending years.
Most millennials have grown up in a world where they expect to have what they want, exactly how they want it…
...and have it on demand!
Millennials think it’s normal to buy whatever they want from a place they’ve never been to and have it show up in perfect condition on their doorsteps two days later… with free shipping.
Millenials are not a trustworthy bunch in general. But who do they trust? When it comes to brands, the brand millennials trust more than any other… including Apple… is Amazon.
This is why dorky little obscure products can do so well on Amazon. See for yourself:
Jeff Bezos is a lot of things, but a fool he is not. He saw this coming 25 years ago. He knew this is where the market was headed and he went to work on building his “everything store”.
If you want it, and you want it in pink with polka dots and exactly 6 inches in diameter, Bezos doesn’t think that is unreasonable at all. He wants you to want the most specific, obscure things, so he can crush the traditional retailers like Walmart, who can’t stock those things in physical stores.
And even though Walmart had a long headstart on Amazon, in 2019 Amazon zoomed past Walmart to become the biggest retailer on the planet.
Not online. In the whole world.
And there is a risk-free way, heading into the end of the year, that you can tap into the biggest online wealth-shift ever to occur:
Amazon will take a cut of your profits. But there is still a big enough chunk left over for you. This is why USA Today has said that Amazon sellers represent the single largest growth sector of first generation business millionaires.
These products you sell on Amazon won't seem to make sense. They will be too weird, or too boring, or too obscure, or whatever. Everyone else steps over them, overlooks them, or isn’t even aware they exist, including almost all Amazon sellers.
They missed Bezos’ real plan.
But not you. You won’t miss it. You’ll eat it up and laugh all the way to the bank, once you do it this way:
And no, it’s impossible for him to saturate this because:
(1) there are too many of these obscure products, and tons of new ones popping up every day that never existed yesterday and
(2) most people won’t take a deep enough look at this, because it’s not “sexy”, or the latest bright, shiny object.
Their loss. Your gain. And gain you shall by going here right now:
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