Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Work/life balance is a myth Part 1


You’ve probably already discovered that getting stuck on something is a part of this business. Sort of comes with the territory.

Sometimes, it’s procrastination. (Hey, you’re not alone - some surveys suggest that 85%-95% of people have problems associated with procrastination. So let go of the guilt!)

Sometimes, it’s not knowing what to do, or whether you’re going to be able to accomplish it - meaning, you don’t feel like you have the necessary skill.

And sometimes, it’s just the lack of motivation.

I get it. If you put in an hour, or two, or four, every day building your online business, but you haven’t seen any results for a month, or a year, or even several years, it is pretty hard to get yourself to take action.

If you’ve tried to solve this, you probably know…

Brute force doesn’t work!

...continued tomorrow.

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Affiliate Triad closing tonight

 Master Online Entrepreneur

  • Done For You - you get the most successful affiliate in the whole internet marketing space (us) creating “done for you” webinars, funnels, bonus packages, better than moneyback guarantees, etc for exclusive offers that only Affiliate Triad members can promote. 
  • Mentorship - you get access to the top producers in Affiliate Triad who have “office hours” at set times to answer any question related to internet marketing, or to help address any sticking point or issue in your business
  • Real Time Support - the average response time to a request of help by Rapid Crush for its Affiliate Triad members is less than 22 minutes. And that’s over a 24/7/365 measurement. 
  • Full on marketing software suite - the first year of which will be covered for you. This tool allows you to do everything you need to do in your online business - from membership sites to web pages, email marketing, and much much more. 
  • Traffic solutions galore - all the best ways to get traffic to the “done for you” offers and “done for you” funnels and “done for you” webinars are shared - and there is even coaching and software automation included as well. 
  • Traffic solutions galore - all the best ways to get traffic to the “done for you” offers and “done for you” funnels and “done for you” webinars are shared - and there is even coaching and software automation included as well. 

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of all the value you get. One in four active members of Affiliate Triad made 4x their investment back within their first 21 days during the last time Affiliate Triad opened up. 

That’s insane. Those results don’t exist anywhere else. 

Furthermore, what’s interesting is members who “fail” - meaning they don’t make 4x their money back in the first 21 days - you should see their testimonials. Many claim Affiliate Triad is the best investment they’ve ever made. 

I want you to try it out as well. Go here to get the full scoop:

Watch it here

It closes tonight and it rarely opens because there is so much effort made on supporting its members, that there is little time left over to actually promote Affiliate Triad. 

So check it out:

Watch it here

Monday, 28 September 2020

The key to your procrastination

 Master Online Entrepreneur

Most marketing is uncomfortable. What I mean is what most gurus do is first give you a headache and then sell you the Tylenol. That just doesn’t feel right, and when something doesn’t feel right, it’s intelligent to not do it.

It’s a trip then when you’re bullied and made to feel bad because you aren’t implementing or “taking massive action” or whatever the cliche is these days. 

Well, I wouldn’t want to take action either on things that make me feel dirty or not right afterwards. 

The flipside is if something is so right, then you don’t even think in terms of procrastination or action-taking. You just do it. Automatically. It’s natural. 

So how do you make building your online business natural, so things unfold as they should without the stress or pressure? 

Here’s how:

Watch it here

If you have access to offers and deals no one else can have, and these deals are so much better for customers than anything else they could choose… that makes it a lot easier to put it out on the net, right? 

And what if you knew the audiences you served were in the coveted “2%” - those who are most open to being successful, the most grateful, and the quickest to spend on a solution, because it’s more costly for them not to spend money through you. 

Finally - what if the message was value first - meaning that the advertising in and of itself could be life changing and will be well received by the intended audience. 

I do not speak in theories and riddles - this is how it happens:

Watch it here

Sunday, 27 September 2020

Outsource for success

 Master Online Entrepreneur

These are the three key elements to success with any online business. And they’re inter-related. A great offer to one audience would be a poor offer to another. Even the perfect offer to the perfect audience will fail if you don’t have the right message. 

The point is that it’s hard to do all three well. Heck, it’s hard to get even one of these right:

A world class offer

A hyper responsive audience 

A pitch perfect message 

So how do you manage to succeed then? You pick one of these to focus on first, and you outsource the other two. 

Now imagine if you could outsource them to the most successful companies - in terms of results - in the internet market space. 

That’s what this training is all about:

Watch it here

At the end, if you want to go further, there is an offer made. The attendees guessed its price to be tens of thousands of dollars - but they were off by a comma and three decimal points (to their and your benefit). 

Anyway, check it out, you’ll get some key insights and takeaways for sure. 

Watch it here

Friday, 25 September 2020

What’s going to get you to your first $1,000?


Master Online Entrepreneur

I get it - it’s easy to read articles and consume trainings that sell you the dream. “The one trick to make $1,000,000”, “7 productivity tips that will change your life in 29 days” and all that. 


They go down smoothly… like a glass of cold Coke on a scorching afternoon, when you could cook an egg on the hood of your car. 


At the end of the day though.. You don’t have anything to show for it.


Then, there’s the other end of the spectrum. “10 Ways To Work Harder Than Ever”, “Why Seeing Your Family And Loved Ones While You Build Your Online Business Is Overrated”, and all that. I can only say… screw that.


They’re all missing the point.


What point is that?


It’s all going to be revealed here in just a few hours or sooner, depending on when you read this post.


It’s not hard work, and it’s certainly not the lottery mentality that the “1 easy trick” sellers shove down your throat that’s going to get your first $1,000, your first $10,000 and, ultimately, your first $1,000,000.


Instead, it’s going to be this… if you absorb the lesson like nobody’s business and then implement.


Register here

Why is list building so hard?

Master Online Entrepreneur 

The money is in the list… or so the saying goes. 

It’s true, by the way. If you have a profitable list, and a converting offer, you’re basically set for life… or as long as people engage with your emails.

So it would only make sense - if you’re someone who wants to build a reliable, nearly passive income stream online - that your #1 priority should be to build that list. 

Easy for me to say, right?

Building a list…

… Not just any list, but a list that actually opens your emails, reads them, and buys through your links so you actually make money, is way harder than it sounds.

First of all, you need to have all the infrastructure in place. Which means having an autoresponder set up, landing pages, squeeze pages, lead magnets, email sequences, all that good stuff. 

Then, once you start getting people on your list…

You need an actual offer to put in front of them - and it better be something that’s way better than what everyone else is offering them. Your offer has to deliver actual value and has to be presented so that it’s a no-brainer to invest in it. 

All of the above - the tech, the conversion, the offer-building, and so on - are skills. And they’re crucial for your online business to even take off the ground… let alone thrive and provide you with income. 


It’s been said it takes about 10,000 hours to master a skill. 10,000 hours is about 416 days… which doesn’t sound too bad until you realize that it’s 24 hour days we’re talking here. 8 hour days, we’re talking about 1,200 days to master one of the above skills to a level that’s decent.

And after you’ve spent all that time, along comes someone who has spent even more time working on one particular skill and blows you out of the water anyway… and you’re nowhere closer to success than you’ve been. Just that 1,200 days have passed. 


There’s a much better way. 

And no, it’s not simply hiring those 1% individuals who have invested both the time and effort to master those skills. It’s way too expensive.

There’s a way to shortcut that… and all is going to be revealed soon here:

Register here

You’ll only be required to do one thing and the rest will be taken care of. 

You’ll finally start building your list the right way (plus, you’ll never have to worry about what you send your list) - and you’ll soon discover how true that saying is. The money is indeed in the list.

Register now to join the live web event here:

Register here

Thursday, 24 September 2020

If you had to build an iPhone


Master Online Entrepreneur

Imagine you've been tasked to build an iPhone from scratch. You’ve got the raw materials (so no mining for ore at least), you’ve got the talent, let’s assume you even got the blueprints, the schematics, whatever. But no experience, no tools, no team around you. 


You’d agree it would be pretty hard, right?


Add to it the following:

You and your family would starve if you didn’t get it done in about 2 weeks.


Plus, you have a day job and loved ones to take care of.


How realistic does that sound now?


Sounds completely impossible, right?


Yet, that’s how most people try to build their online business. They’ve got the raw materials (internet is accessible to everyone), they’ve got the talent (because you don’t need a whole ton of talent to succeed online), they’ve got the blueprints and schematics (all the courses they bought in the past)...


But they fail because in 2020, a successful online business is a bit like the iPhone… simple on the surface, insanely complex on the inside. 


Adding to the pressure is the fact is you can’t get one thing wrong. If you do, nothing works… simply because you forgot something, didn’t know you needed to do something, or just didn’t know how to do that one thing.


And there are thousands of these pitfalls.


Now, what about outsourcing?


Simple, right? You don’t know how to write persuasive copy? Well, hire a copywriter. You don’t know how to build funnels? Surely, there’s an expert on that, right? You don’t know how to design pages? Designers are a-plenty.


All that’s left for you to do is to put all of this together, and boom… right?


Not really.


It just opens another can of worms. Do these experts really know what they’re doing? Can you afford the exorbitant prices they’re asking? How do you put all of their output together in a way that makes you money?


And so on and so forth.


However… this can be solved. In one fell swoop.


I have an expert standing by for you ready to explain all the details… and no, it’s not an outsourcing course or anything. Details are here:


Register here

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Why dialling down your effort is a good thing


"You have to give it your all."

"Hustle hard, and then hustle some more until you can’t breathe."

"Do 100%, 10x that, and constantly put out your best stuff."

You know what… if you can pull that off, that’s great!

99.9% of successful people can’t do that, though.

On Tim Ferris’ podcast, where he interviewed Hugh Jackman, there was a brilliant insight… that it’s actually best to give things like your 85% effort.

This way, you never procrastinate. Because you don’t have to be perfect. You just have to be good enough, and you have to be done.

This way, you also get rid of impostor syndrome. Because if you give it your 85% effort, so what if someone criticizes you. You know that it wasn’t your 100% effort and that if you wanted, you could do better, but why would you?

Your 85% will get you all the money you need and then some.

And nowhere is this more applicable than in a system I’m about to post about shortly.

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

The car that put the U.S. on wheels was awful to drive

If you’re a pretty average driver like I am and use a car primarily as a means to get from A to B, you’d have a pretty hard time to figure out how to drive the first ever mass produced car, Ford Model T.

Even if you were a professional race car driver or a trucker who spends weeks on wheels, you’d still have a pretty hard time figuring out the Tin Lizzie.

About the only thing similar to a modern car is

Take the three pedals. These aren’t your clutch, brakes, gas. It’s low gear/high gear, reverse in the middle, high gear. In order to get it running, you need to crank it - and be careful in order not to grip the crank too hard because it’ll rip your arm off.

Your throttle is on the steering wheel - and it doesn’t go back automatically if you release it. There’s no wheel brakes - it’s handled by the transmission.

All and all it’s a nightmare to drive!

Yet it’s the car that put the country - and then, the world -  on wheels.


Because it was the first car that was accessible to regular people.

If you want to see success in your business, you need to pull off something similar.

You need to be first in a tiny little niche of yours where it matters for your customer.

Don’t go all out being all things to everyone when there’s already tons of entrenched solutions in every niche you try to enter.


Narrow down. Be the first in something simple (that matters to your customer). Even if it’s as simple as being the first to deliver the same product 10x faster (one company did that… they’re called Amazon and they’re doing pretty well).

But the same applies to things available to everyday people - like information products, for example.

I’m going to post something very soon about how you can do exactly that while investing very little of your own time (so no, you won’t have to build an assembly line that produces cars).

Keep an eye out!

Monday, 21 September 2020

Your problem is NOT inspiration or motivation Part 3


Success Tip #3: Build Your List NOW

No matter what your specific business model is, if you don’t have an audience of people that you can reach whenever you want - and who love hearing from you - I’d go as far as say you don’t have a business.

For me, the best possible audience a business can have comes in a form of an email list.

I treat it like gold and never compromise on the quality of my emails or anything.

(Notice how most of what I send is WAY longer than what most people are sending?)

If you have a list, you have leverage and security. Keep nurturing it, email your audience frequently, and send them good stuff.

There’s nothing wrong with promotions, either - if you’re genuinely excited about a product and genuinely believe it will help their lives.

If you don’t have a list, start building one now.

It’s not even that difficult… it’s that most people just won’t do what it takes.

What you’re going to need is a lead magnet (and it doesn’t have to be a long, elaborate PDF - a checklist of things you shouldn’t do when starting your day as an entrepreneur will do just fine, for example), a way for people to sign up and get that lead magnet (any autoresponder will do just fine) and some traffic to a page where people can sign up. That’s it - that’s how you build the most powerful asset your business will have.


To sum this up, since 1) you have to pay yourself first, 2) do one thing that matters, and 3) the most important thing you can build for your business is an email list… it kind of seems like you have your work cut out for you for now. Hope this has helped!

Sunday, 20 September 2020

Your problem is NOT inspiration or motivation Part 2


Success Tip #2: Focus On One Thing

There’s this brilliant book by Gary Keller named The ONE Thing, which takes the well known idea that you should focus on something and get it done (and, it better be something that moves you closer to your goals)…

And explains it brilliantly in a way that sticks.

(By the way, that’s a lesson well worth learning - if you take a simple insight that everyone kind of knows and are able to explain it in a way that sticks, you’re going to do very well.)


What trips most people up is not that they don’t instinctively know that they need to focus and create outcomes.

It’s the what exactly, specifically should you be doing?

You determine that by asking the following question:

"What's the ONE Thing you can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?” (Gary Keller, The One Thing)

It’s the Pareto principle in action - since 80% of your outcomes are determined by 20% of your actions, take it one step further and determine what’s the 20% of the 20%? What’s the ONE thing you should do NOW to move forward in your business?

To me, right now, it’s writing this email. Later today that one thing that I absolutely need to get done will be laying out a page where customers can buy things. For you this might be different…

… But notice how it doesn’t say anywhere that I should distract myself by checking Facebook or email or whatnot?

Speaking of email…

Concludes tomorrow...

Saturday, 19 September 2020

Your problem is NOT inspiration or motivation Part 1


There are 3 simple things you can do immediately to get your online income off the ground in the next 30 days.

(If you have something going already, nice! Do these 3 things anyway and ASAP to grow your online business even bigger and get back a whole lot of free time.)

By the way, most people will never act on these things.

They’ll think it’s either too simple, or they will lack the discipline to do them for long enough to see any results, or who knows. It’s good news for you, because therein lies...

Your Advantage!

Let’s get started.

Success Tip #1: Pay Yourself First

I think originally this idea comes from the personal finance world, where you’re told, basically, "before you do anything else with your money, put aside 10% somewhere". I don’t now.

What I do know is that there’s something way more valuable than money because there’s a finite supply of it.

It’s time.

Each and every one of us, rich or poor, healthy or sick, young or old, only get 24 hours every day - and a lot of that time is spoken for already. Sleep, work, family commitments, and so on.

It’s no wonder, then, that most people’s biggest problem when it comes to starting and running a successful online business isn’t inspiration or even motivation.

It’s spending actual time to do things you need to do as an entrepreneur.

There’s a whole ton of them in any business model, and they all need to get done.

Which is why you have to treat your time just like money. (What a novel concept - time is money, after all!)

Here’s what you do.

Pay yourself in time and money will take care of itself.

There are 24 hours in a day, and sleep is non-negotiable. You gotta protect the asset, which is your physical body - without it, none of this will matter. That leaves us with 16 hours every day.

Invest 10% of those 16 hours in your online business. That’s 96 minutes every day, and if you can’t swing that right away, do 5% or even 2%, but make it a habit. That’s the most important part.

I don’t mean consuming Youtube videos or podcasts, either. I mean sitting down and doing the necessary deep work that produces actual outcomes that move your business forward.

Where do you find extra 96 minutes (or less) every day?

My favorite time of the day is the early morning. If it means having to skip a Netflix marathon before bed in order for me to get up on time to work on my business, that’s the tradeoff I’m willing to make - because I’m darn sure paying myself first before Netflix!

For you, this might be different. You might be someone who does their best work at 2am and then sleeps until noon. If your lifestyle allows it, who am I to judge? Find what works for you.

But start paying yourself in time before everything and everyone else. It’s your life we’re talking about and you deserve to spend it the way you want.

Now what do you work on during that time?

Continued tomorrow....

Friday, 18 September 2020

TWF closing (final post)


Master Online Entrepreneur

This is the last you’ll hear from me on The Wholesale Formula, (plus the crazy free bonus package) as it closes within hours of me writing you this email. 


Here’s what I know. Most people wait until the last few hours to sign up. 


And that’s fine… as long as you sign up before the timer hits zero. 


Click here


Yet here is what I also know - sometimes people wait past the deadline, and then, a day or two later, have their moment of clarity and decide they should sign up…


But can’t. Regardless, my hands are tied - I couldn’t reopen this even if I wanted to, because I didn’t create The Wholesale Formula, nor this crazy good bonus package:


Click here


I believe this program is the best way right now to take advantage of the best online vehicle (Amazon) for the most amount of folks to use to reach success. 


I have thousands of words I could easily dash out to describe why I think it’s the best… and why I’m so jacked to get it into your hands along with the exclusive free bonuses… but we don’t have time for that. 


I am a big fan of weighing the facts and thinking them over to make the right decision for you… but now you have to make that decision. 


If you know you’re in, sign up here. 


Click here


If you’re not sure yet, take a look at the page one last time and really go through it. Read the bonuses. Check the testimonials. Then do what feels right: 


Click here

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Live fireside chat on TWF


Master Online Entrepreneur

I did something less than 0.00026% of people in the world can do for you. Scratch that. I did several things otherwise deemed impossible.


In short order, I:


  • Got you exclusive access to getting into The Wholesale Formula (it is not, nor ever has it been, made available publicly outside their once-a-year February events)
  • Got another best selling Amazon course out there by perhaps the world’s foremost expert on the overall aspects of Amazon, to be thrown in for you for free. 
  • Have the ability to offer you the best bonus package ever made for The Wholesale Formula… which has produced over half a billion in customer results (and that’s even without these bonuses)

There is a catch though. The whole deal goes away forever this Thursday at 11:59 pm Pacific time. 


So we’ve got to figure out together if this is something you should be a part of. Here’s how:


Click here


Bring your hardest questions, concerns, objections and skepticisms to this live webinar. Let’s not beat around the bush or mince words. Let’s get down to business. 


  • Is it right for you or not? 
  • Will this be different from other things you’ve tried in the past? 
  • How steep is the learning curve?
  • What are the pros and cons to this model?

I’d rather you slap me across the face with a firm no than dawdle around and let something that could possibly be the thing you need right now pass you by. 


So let’s get at it:


Click here


...because the clock is ticking. 


This is a real deadline. There are no planned re-opens, second-chances, or any of that gimmicky marketing nonsense.   


Register now:


Click here

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

The profit confrontation


Master Online Entrepreneur

Tomorrow, the thing I’ve been promoting to you all week goes off market. And so do the bonuses. If you signed up, congrats. If you know it’s 100% not for you, that’s totally cool. 


But I know many of you are neither “yes I’m in” or “no I’m not”. You’re in the maybe camp. Which means you need more information, more insight, and more personal time related to your specific questions and concerns. 


So you’re going to get it, and get it here:


Click here


It’s important we figure out if this is a right fit for you or not, because:


  • Amazon is set to spend $18 billion dollars on its sellers to help them sell more.
  • Amazon’s Apple app just got a big redesign (huge profit potential here). 
  • Prime day is set for mid-October (the last one made $2 billion for Amazon sellers). 
  • Black Friday is going to come right after that (and be the biggest in history).

And I believe there is one specific approach that is risk-free and easy to start, and that’s the Wholesale Formula approach. 

So we’ll cover everything important, and stay as long as we need to, to make sure you get the information required for you to make a YES/NO decision:


Click here

Does luck matter for financial success?


Master Online Entrepreneur

I think luck is underrated. 


I work as best as I can to better myself, but more than 50% of the time, the biggest breakthroughs I’ve seen people have online had less to do with skill. And more to do with luck. 


I know it’s sacrilege for an entrepreneur to pretend that anything other than the sweat of their brow made them successful. 




Right now, I am supremely lucky… and you are about to be as well. 


Especially if you follow this plan:


Click here


In 2018, Feedvisor, an AI specialist to eCommerce brands, did a STATE OF THE AMAZON MARKETPLACE study. 


Among many interesting things in their 20-page report was the fact that 1 in 5 sellers on Amazon sell over $1,000,000 per year. 




Thing is - Amazon has gotten way bigger. It doubled its profits during the pandemic, and it’s set to double that double by year’s end. 


And in an article just published, Amazon announced that it plans to spend $18 billion dollars to help its sellers sell more. 


Here is the best way to start selling on Amazon:


Click here


Note: this is the final time I’ll mention this specific free training to you. 

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Hate millennials?


Master Online Entrepreneur

Are millennials entitled? Lazy? The cause of everything wrong with Western society? 


Don’t know. What I do care about is that millennials have the largest purchasing power online. Even better, millennials are entering their prime spending years. 


Most millennials have grown up in a world where they expect to have what they want, exactly how they want it… 


...and have it on demand! 


Millennials think it’s normal to buy whatever they want from a place they’ve never been to and have it show up in perfect condition on their doorsteps two days later… with free shipping.


Millenials are not a trustworthy bunch in general. But who do they trust? When it comes to brands, the brand millennials trust more than any other… including Apple… is Amazon. 


This is why dorky little obscure products can do so well on Amazon. See for yourself:


Click here


Jeff Bezos is a lot of things, but a fool he is not. He saw this coming 25 years ago. He knew this is where the market was headed and he went to work on building his “everything store”. 


If you want it, and you want it in pink with polka dots and exactly 6 inches in diameter, Bezos doesn’t think that is unreasonable at all. He wants you to want the most specific, obscure things, so he can crush the traditional retailers like Walmart, who can’t stock those things in physical stores. 


And even though Walmart had a long headstart on Amazon, in 2019 Amazon zoomed past Walmart to become the biggest retailer on the planet. 


Not online. In the whole world. 


And there is a risk-free way, heading into the end of the year, that you can tap into the biggest online wealth-shift ever to occur: 


Click here


Amazon will take a cut of your profits. But there is still a big enough chunk left over for you. This is why USA Today has said that Amazon sellers represent the single largest growth sector of first generation business millionaires. 



These products you sell on Amazon won't seem to make sense. They will be too weird, or too boring, or too obscure, or whatever. Everyone else steps over them, overlooks them, or isn’t even aware they exist, including almost all Amazon sellers. 


They missed Bezos’ real plan. 


But not you. You won’t miss it. You’ll eat it up and laugh all the way to the bank, once you do it this way:



Click here


And no, it’s impossible for him to saturate this because:


(1) there are too many of these obscure products, and tons of new ones popping up every day that never existed yesterday and 


(2) most people won’t take a deep enough look at this, because it’s not “sexy”, or the latest bright, shiny object.


Their loss. Your gain. And gain you shall by going here right now:


Click here