Saturday, 13 February 2021

How to Become Unstoppable

There’s a scene in Star Wars where Luke Skywalker is trying to use the Force to raise his jet out of the water.

No dice. So Yoda asks, basically, “what’s wrong?”

To which Luke answers...

“I’m trying, Master.”

Yoda comes back with what I think is the most iconic movie quote of all time:

“Do or do not. There’s no try.”

Now, there’s a chance you’re a lot like Luke with your online business… which you’re trying to build.

Now, most marketers would now chastise you about how “you should go all in” or how “trying implies a lack of effort or an expectation of failure.” (Really? Didn’t know that a single mother with three kids trying to make ends meet on a teacher’s salary shows a lack of effort!) Or, my favorite... they assume that because you’re “trying” it means all your projects are just halfway done.


Here’s the real lesson they all miss.

It’s about building self-efficacy.

It’s basically your belief in your capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations. To me, it’s a fancy way of saying “confidence.”

How do you develop it?

By performing tasks successfully.

This is what Yoda really meant, if we go back to Star Wars. He needed Luke to develop self-efficacy… the belief that he is capable of lifting the plane up. Because he already possessed the means to do it. He just didn’t believe that he could do it.

It’s the same with most marketers out there.

You possess the knowledge, the ability and the tenacity to succeed. If you don’t know something, you can look it up. Once you execute what you have learned, you gain a degree of ability. And repeat this enough times… and you’ll have the required tenacity.

This is how you build self-efficacy.

Now, you might think…

What if what I’m trying to do is way too complicated for me to have a “mastery experience” (meaning successfully completing that task)?

Chunk the task down to smaller tasks… to a degree where you can execute each of them with confidence.

After all, how do you eat an elephant? Piece by piece.

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


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