Sunday, 4 October 2020

Work/life balance is a myth Part 5

But the most important thing…

Is to actually take a piece of paper and a pen and write down what’s the next one thing you can do to move forward in all the areas of your life.

For example, if your financial goal is to make a million dollars in three years, and you’ve decided that you need to build an email list in order to be able to do that, probably the one thing that you can do right now (if you haven’t already) is to create a lead magnet. That’s it. Until you’ve done that, there’s no point in doing anything else.

Or, if your health goal is to lose 20 lbs in the next 90 days, the one thing you need to do could be to sit down and figure out what you’re going to eat - what you’re going to say yes to and what you’re going to say no to - in order to achieve that goal.

Then it’s just a matter of execution.

Now, if you find yourself procrastinating still…

There could be deeper issues. We’re all vulnerable to those. There could be deep-rooted psychological reasons why you’re sabotaging your health goals, for example.

I’m no psychologist.

To me, there has been no better approach than to start really small and take on things that I know I can do and build on that.

I hope that’ll work for you too.

To your success!

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