Friday, 30 October 2020

The dream lifestyle will never be yours unless...

 Master Online Entrepreneur

I don’t know about you… but I always get slightly depressed when I go on Instagram or Facebook.

(And yes, I’m well aware of all the productivity porn pushers saying that I should delete my account from these sites. I just don’t want to.)

I know exactly why I’m feeling a tingle of sadness.

It’s the perfect lifestyle that everyone seemingly has. While I’m over here, working hard, they’re having the time of their lives.

The entrepreneurs, living large on a Thai beach, laptop next to them while they sit there and sip a kombucha. The scantily clad models. The fitness coaches who walk like gods among men. And so forth.

You just can’t help but feel a bit down about your own achievements, right?


Instead, get motivated.

Not in the “hustle hard” kind of way where you work for 16 hours a day - that’s just burnout in the making.

Instead, realize this.

What you don’t see is what it takes to earn the lifestyle. You just see the lifestyle.

That fitness model with the perfect body? Years of eating lean chicken and a leaf of salad every day 3 times, and 2 hours in a gym… 365 days a year, for 5 years.

The entrepreneur on a beach with a laptop? Long evenings doing the most menial technical tasks and supporting her own customers before she could afford to hire anyone. No Netflix, no games, and barely any time for the people she loves.

The fitness coach? Years of mastering nutrition, and the way the human body works, and then applying a rigorous regimen to himself, and giving everything to their every client.

And yes… there’s a darker side. That amazing trip your high school buddy took? Not paid for. He’s going to pay for it for 5 years, $179 monthly. But it’s the same thing… you don’t see what it takes to get the lifestyle.

You just see the lifestyle.

Stop comparing. The only person you should be comparing yourself to is yourself - how far have you come since you started?

The next time you see someone living an amazing life… think about what it took for them. If it’s something you would feel right doing for your own goals… feel inspired. If you suspect it’s something that will hold you back (like a huge monthly payment for a car you don’t need right now), let it be a warning sign.

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur

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