Sunday, 18 October 2020

Fastest Way to Increase Sales?


We track a lot of metrics to indicate how our sales are doing…

Cost Per Email Subscribers, Click Through Rates, Cost Per Click, Percentage of Videos Viewed…

But here’s the metric we look at that determines our success more than any other:

Email Open Rates

Yup, when we improve our Email Open Rates, our sales quickly follow. 

And it makes sense, Email is by far the #1 way we make sales through the Partner With Anthony program, so it’s only natural that the more emails get opened, the more sales we make.

Well, today I wanted to give you FOUR strategies that help you improve your Open Rates by writing exciting and engaging Subject Lines. 

STRATEGY #1: The Benefit of the Benefit 

Most people will use a straight benefit in their subject lines like: “Grow Your Email List - FAST” 

This isn’t bad… but to increase your open rates ask, what’s the benefit of growing an email list? 

-Passive Income?

-Freedom to Travel?

-Ability to spend more time with family?

Once you lock in on THAT benefit, you’ll be able to write much more engaging headlines.

So instead of, “How to Grow Your Email List,” write “How to Spend More Time with Your Family” or “How to Make Money While at Your Daughter’s Soccer Game.”

^^^ These are just examples, it’s up to you to know your customer and know what THEY value! :)

Strategy #2: The BLIND Subject Line

This subject line doesn’t give a ton of information about the email, but should make for an irresistible open…

One of my favorites is, “The Most DANGEROUS Website in the World”

The email then goes on to explain why websites that waste your time like Facebook or Instagram are dangerous… Of course then we offer an alternative website that can change their life, and tell them about PWA. :) 

To write great BLIND subject lines take note of headlines used by journalists in big papers… often, the headline is less about the story and more of a twist that gets the click. 

NOTE: Beware of using Clickbait. Clickbait deceives readers as to what’s inside the email, you want to make sure your subject line is still honest about the content inside.


This subject line answers the question: “Why should I listen to you” or “Why should I trust you.”

"He was Just on CNN"

"500 Leads in 24 Hours (PROOF INSIDE)"

“$1M from ONE Company? (SCREENSHOT)”

This type of a subject line answers that question right out of the gate and gives them a reason to open.

Strategy #4 URGENCY

Remember to only use this style of subject line only when it makes sense. 

“Closing! [24 Hours]”

“WARNING: Final Email”

We often use these emails for programs or special pricing that will no longer be available. We also use the latter email before we delete people who haven’t opened emails off of our list. The email then lets them know that if they didn’t open the email, they would have never heard from us again.

I hope these four strategies help you increase your open rates which in turn brings in more sales for you. 

If you HAVEN’T begun growing your Email List, this is the most important element to build your Online Business.

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