Sunday, 4 April 2021

The “Proof Elements” Hack behind Guru Level Credibility

Did you know… there really aren't any laws which force airline pilots to wear uniforms?

It’s true!

If a pilot wanted to fly you in their underwear, technically they could legally do it!

Sure, they’d be fired since most airlines have it in their contracts that the pilots must wear this or that when they’re flying… but legally, there probably wouldn’t be a problem with it. (Yeah, this is not legal advice. So if you’re a pilot considering flying in your underwear, consult with an attorney.)

Jokes aside, this gets me thinking about your typical online business.

See, in the old days, pilots wore whatever they wanted. As long as they looked somewhat presentable. The same applied to boat crews on ferries.

However back then, things were also way different when it came to travel.

The passengers had a clear view of the flight crew on their controls.

They had a clear view of the ship crew steering the boat.

Security was not nearly as strict as it is now.

Then one day, the airlines realized something:

If the customers can see the crew…

then maybe they could  “enhance the experience” by having the crew in uniform!

It makes sense when you think about it.

Why do you think doctors wear those lab coats anyway?

Of course it’s for hygiene reasons, but also because when you see a person in a lab coat, your mind instantly switches to “I trust this person” mode.

Likewise, when pilots started wearing uniforms, the passengers started feeling that much safer.

And this is no different from how certain “trust elements” in your presentation can radically change how your market looks at you.

There’s a reason why so many gurus love wearing suits in their pictures.

Suits imply a level of professionalism the customers just pick up.

This goes on a niche by niche basis.

When you look at what your market associates with authority and status, and apply it to your image, it makes a huge difference in how your customers see you.

It’s much like watching a doctor confidently walk to your bedside, in a lab coat, holding a clipboard... all of a sudden you just trust them.

That’s the same effect you want to have on your customers.

To pull this off effectively, sit down and see which figures your market sees as authorities.

Then, try to pick out common themes in their presentations.

Afterwards, try to implement what you can into your personal image, while keeping it in line with your brand.

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


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