Thursday, 31 December 2020

Are you being pulled in 100 different directions?


Ever feel like you’re being pulled in a hundred different directions?

If you’re like most of us, it might seem impossible to figure out what exactly you should focus on at any given moment.

For example… should you focus on creating your information product? Or building your ecommerce business? Or finally mastering a traffic source?

While you debate what it is you should be doing…

Not only time is passing… but worse - it gets actively hijacked by others who do know what they want. It might be the media (social and traditional), it might be coworkers, it might even be members of your family.

Doesn’t matter.

Because once you’ve lost control of your time, you’ve lost control of your outcomes.

Would you agree that if you were able to focus on one single thing for, let’s say three years, you probably would have no problem becoming great at that thing?

Most people will say…

“Well, gee, I can’t wait for three years, I need to get something going now!”

This is what bugs me.

They say that but what they end up doing (instead of “getting something going”) is they try and start 100 things, but never ever see any of them through.

I know you’re smarter than that, so let’s just look at a neat little thought exercise.

What if someone approached you today, in the next five minutes, and told you that you are going to be a millionaire, but you just had to sit tight for three years. Pretty good deal, right? Suddenly three years doesn’t seem like all that much time.

Yet, most people would find ways to screw even that up.

Here’s the interesting part.

If that happens to you, know that it’s not even your fault.

The modern world is built on distraction.

They even have a name for it.

Attention Economy.

The most precious resource in the modern world is our attention. Some of the brightest minds in the world are working around the clock to figure out ways to capture and keep it. They use scientific research and they use our survival instincts that make us react to fear mongering, they use behavioristics and pattern recognition, anything they can to make sure we spend more and more time on social media apps, games, news, and so on.

The more time we spend on any platform (the more attention we pay) the more valuable the platform becomes to someone else.

Attention is the new currency, and it’s more valuable than the currency you have in your bank account.

Since attention is so valuable…

It’s no wonder that everything has been made addictive… distracting… and just plain loud.

No wonder you - and a lot of other people - can’t resist the distractions.

Now let’s compare this to what you actually need to do in order to get something done.

If you want to write a book, you need to sit down and write. Compared to the colorful lure of all the distractions in your smartphone, computer, and TV… it’s boring!

If you want to lose weight, you need to eat the right stuff and go to the gym. Compared to fast food and sitting in front of the TV… boring!

No wonder you feel distracted all the time. You’re fighting an uphill battle.

So how do you take the boring stuff and make it exciting

So that you almost reach your goals on autopilot?

You’ll be surprised… but it’s simpler than it seems.

There’s certainly no need for crazy “dopamine detoxes” - which is a craze in Silicon Valley - and basically it means you isolate yourself from any activity you enjoy doing or which stimulates the brain - like browsing  your phone, TV, listening to music, or even reading or any hobby. Basically you sit in a gray room with no windows and wait for your brain’s dopamine receptors to reset themselves… which is probably every bit as tedious as it sounds.

It’s not actually possible.. If you were to actually fast from dopamine, it would probably be fatal, according to one doctor.

However, what, in my opinion, it actually accomplishes is that it lets our brain rest from the crazy distractions of the modern world.

A lot of our susceptibility to distractions comes from pure exhaustion. It’s a way we try to rest for even a little while. The problem with it, of course, is that going on Facebook is not real rest… if anything, it makes us more tired. But the quick dopamine hit tricks us - our brain’s reward systems get hijacked, in other words.

So let’s dig into how you can reprogram your habits… and in the process, feel more rested, focused, and get way more done.

First of all, consider adding meditation to your daily life.

Gone are the days when meditation was considered new-agey. Now, the science is in… and it’s been proven that meditation reduces stress, controls anxiety, promotes emotional health, lengthens attention span, and so on… all the things you need to succeed.

Second, start small.

Things take time.

Making meaningful changes to your life is like trying to turn around a huge freight ship going full steam ahead. You can’t just flip it around. You slow it down, and then you gradually turn it around.

Think of it this way…

One healthy meal will not suddenly make you super fit and athletic. A month of eating healthy, on the other hand, will produce a noticeable difference. A year? People might not recognize you.

We’re too used to instant gratification.

And most people overestimate what they can do in a day - and underestimate what they can accomplish in a year.

Start small.


To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


Wednesday, 30 December 2020

You can't outsource your pushups


Here’s the problem with most of my dreams. Probably with yours, too. Everybody’s dreams, in fact.

Making them a reality depends on tiny little habits that must be performed every day without fail.

The hard part about that is most of those habits suck.

At least in the short term.

For example, if you want to have nice 6-pack abs in six months, and you’re not in reasonable shape already, let me tell you that the next 6 months of your life are going to suck. Hard.

You’re going to find time to go to a gym. You’ll figure out ways to eat less calories than you spend - and do it in a way that doesn’t leave you so hungry you could eat a horse. Hooves and all.

Now if you stick with it for six months…

You’re going to love the long term effects of your habits. You’ll have more energy, you’ll look awesome, and people will think you’re smarter. It’s a fact - studies demonstrate that individuals who look fitter are perceived to be more intelligent.

The insulting part, of course, is that in order to keep this up, you’re going to have to keep up the habits. Now, I wish I could tell you it becomes easier. But does it? Only kind of. You get used to it… but in the short term, you’re still going to have to sweat and watch what you eat.

In other words, you can’t outsource your pushups.

I digress.

What if your dream is to make $20,000 per month from your side business online? Or $5,000, or $100,000 - whatever figure you’re comfortable with? (By the way, I’m curious about this. Hit reply to this email and tell me… what would you consider a comfortable side income?)

A dream like that - very much like our health example - is going to require you to install some habits that will, once again, completely suck in the short term.

You might have to stay up late to set up a funnel for your digital product. Or, you’re going to have to deal with packaging designers for your ecommerce store. Or it’s going to require less than pleasurable interactions with disgruntled customers. (By the way, you should cherish those. You can learn so much from that!)

If you keep this up for 6 months or a year, worst case scenario… you are going to be a LOT closer to your target income. You might achieve it, and you might overshoot it too.

Pretty amazing any way you want to spin this… But the day to day habits that make that dream a reality?

Still not super enjoyable.

Which makes most people quit.

I know it better than the most.

Every time I tried to establish a regular routine or a habit that would benefit me in the long run…

Such as exercising daily, writing daily, eating healthy food, learning something new every day and so on…

I would - almost inevitably - FAIL.

It’s not like I suddenly decided to stop. Way more subtle than that.

I would start one day with the best of intentions, take care of all the urgent stuff, kept myself busy… and before the day was over I’d realize that the most important stuff never got done - I didn’t go to the gym, I didn’t read a single page, I didn’t write another email to a potential partner, etc.

So I’d just think, “Screw this. I’ll make up for it tomorrow”.

Tomorrow comes and is somehow just as hectic. Day after? Same thing. Soon, I’m back to my old ways.

Obviously, I concluded that there’s just not enough time in the day.

That my dreams should wait. That’s BS!

How do you turn this around? How do you make time for what’s important?

It’s a two part process.

First, you need to set priorities and decide what’s really important to you. Weirdly, it’s the hardest part. Something that trips up about 90% of the people.

Second, you need to start adding those little, “short-term-unpleasant” habits to your life.

Sounds very simplistic. Because it is simple. However, the trick is in the implementation.

Everyone knows they should eat broccoli. Yet, most people choose fast food because it feels good going in.

Deciding On Your Priorities

Most people don’t like to hear this. The cold hard truth, however, is that you just don’t have the time for everything in your life. For example, it’s not very likely you’re going to find the time to work, read, exercise, build your own business and watch Netflix for 4 hours every day. Something’s gotta give.

How do you decide if something isn’t right for you?

One thing I’ve always found useful is to spend a couple of weeks taking stock of how I’m feeling when doing this or that activity… and reflect on the short and the long term value of it. Is it something that only feels good in the moment and would later fill me with regret? Or is it hard, but it fills me with joy and inspiration, so I enter the state of flow whenever I’m doing it?

Do this little exercise and start eliminating activities that only feel good at the moment.

You don’t have to let go of all at once. Just pick something small. And drop it.

Drop picking up your phone 96 times a day (that’s the average in the U.S.!)... Drop checking Facebook. Drop one hour of the two hours you spend watching Netflix… use that hour to build something.

You’ll start getting some extra time and focus.

Your next step is take a step back and remove even more stuff… so that only what truly matters to you is left.

Then, your dreams will come to you. That’s the best feeling in the world… one that makes all the difference.

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur


Tuesday, 29 December 2020

The voting scandal continues


The one voting decision we can all agree on...


This might be the ultimate minefield.

So how about a voting opinion we can ALL agree on.

In 2021, you should vote for...


Stop focusing on the doom and gloom that fills the news and social media and invest your time and energy in you and your business.

It's the one voting decision that ALWAYS pays off.

And what better way to start than registering for the Jan 2021 Fast Start Marketing Lab.

Whether your goal is to double your profits or get a new business off the ground, with over FORTY web classes, this is the perfect way to start 2021.

CLICK HERE to register for the Jan 2021 Fast Start Marketing Lab

Just think how nice it'll be to switch off from all the arguing and trolling, and instead spend a THRILLING six weeks in the company of Mike Filsaime, Matt Serralta, Donna Fox, John Cornetta, countless more from the Groove team,


…all of your fellow students (me included).

Everyone who registers for this amazing online event, gets special access to a private Facebook group where students and teachers will be able to mingle freely.

I can't wait to get started.

But be QUICK!

The door closes at midnight, Dec 31st.

CLICK HERE to register for the Jan 2021 Fast Start Marketing Lab

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur

P.S. - For the next two days, you can get a ticket for the ENTIRE event, for free...

When you subscribe to Groove Magazine.

After that, tickets (if they are any remaining) will be sold individually, but at twice the price.

Only two days to go...

CLICK HERE to register for the Jan 2021 Fast Start Marketing Lab

Monday, 28 December 2020

The ULTIMATE New Year Resolution Hack


The secret to successful goal setting in 2021 is...

There are lots of reasons why resolutions fail.

But there is one powerful resolution you can make that is EASY to keep and incredibly POWERFUL.


The trick is to resolve to do ONE thing in January that benefits you for the ENTIRE year.

Reread that last line a few times until it sticks.

It works because you do the ONE thing while your enthusiasm is high.

And because it's only ONE thing, it's easy to achieve.

The challenge, of course, is figuring out what that ONE thing is you can do that will benefit you for the rest of 2021.

Don't worry... I've already figured it out for you.

The ONE thing you can do that will benefit you all year is...

Register for the Jan 2021 Fast Start Marketing Lab.

More than 40 web classes covering just about every element of business creation and development.

CLICK HERE to see the syllabus

The incredible strategies you'll discover along the way - all aimed at DOUBLING YOUR PROFITS during 2021 - will keep you going for at LEAST 12 months...

And likely beyond.

But this offer ends at midnight, Dec 31st.

CLICK HERE to register for the Jan 2021 Fast Start Marketing Lab.

The thing I love most about this resolution is that it's just ONE thing.

Register now and you've committed yourself to MASSIVELY growing your business in 2021.

It's like the story of the travelers who come up against a wall too high to climb, so they throw their hats over it.


Because now they have no choice... they HAVE to find a way over.

Click below to throw your hat into 2021 NOW.

Because in three days, the opportunity will be gone.

CLICK HERE to register for the Jan 2021 Fast Start Marketing Lab.

To Your Success!


Master Online Entrepreneur

P.S. - Not that I'm burying the lede or anything but I should probably mention that, for the next three days you can get full access to this event...

Absolutely FREE!

All you have to do is take out a subscription to Groove Magazine.

An incredible January 2021 event AND 13 issues of our ultra-desirable magazine.


But only if you act before 31st Dec.

CLICK HERE to register for the Jan 2021 Fast Start Marketing Lab