Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Labels that keep you poor

Master Online Entrepreneur

When it comes to using the internet to make money, how do you label yourself? Some people say that they are Amazon sellers, affiliate marketers, product creators, some say they’re in “e-commerce,”  and soon. 


We love our labels, but often our labels are what limit us. 


Too many times I have seen people walk past…


 a big, juicy way to make a ton of money... 


...because it didn’t fit within their label of what they do. 


“Well, I sell only physical products, so I can’t do anything in the digital space,” they say, walking by tens of thousands of dollars of some of the easiest money they could ever earn. 


“Well, I sell digital products, so physical products are off the table,” the other side claims, also letting tens of thousands of dollars slip through their fingers.


It would be like if opportunity knocked, and you didn’t want to answer because you’re offended that it didn’t use the doorbell instead.

Money is money. 

Your goal shouldn’t be to get it one particular way, but rather to get the most of it with the least amount of effort. It should matter less if it’s physical, digital, affiliate, software, service, local, global, business-to-consumer or business-to-business.

If you want to form any label or identity around how you obtain your financial freedom, I suggest the following to try on:


If you identify as a money getter, you’re more open to the easiest and quickest ways to get money ethically, and that lets you be more in tune to the best opportunities... be they knocking, ringing doorbells, or even sending carrier pigeons. 


I bring this up to you because the free training I’m fortunate enough to be able to invite you to is (a) outside what you likely see yourself as and (b) much different than what you’re used to. 


Could that be why it works so well, then? 


Register Here


More details:


First, it’s a “service”. Actually, it’s not really a service, but to the audience it feels like one, looks like one, and gets the same results as a service, so… call it a service. But it takes basically no effort to perform this “service”. 


Second, it’s “local”. Actually, it’s not really geographically limited and you can do it the world over, but it feels hyper focused and personalized to the customer’s geographic location - which makes it more attractive and valuable to that audience. It’s not about where you are, but where you digitally “show up”. 


Third, on the surface it seems like the worst time to offer this type of “service”... but when you actually look a bit closer, you realize it is the best time to do this. 


Of course, you should not just blindly accept these claims as true - let them be proven to you, for free:

Click Here to Register

And my promise - you will learn everything you need to do this on your own. It’s not a clever marketing trick to show you steps 2-7, and then sell you step 1. This is too good to need such shenanigans. 


There is a way you can accelerate this beyond what’s shown on the training, but it is not required for you to succeed with this all on your own. 



So join now as we go live very soon:


Register Here

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