Sunday, 16 August 2020

A brain flaw that churns out profit


Master Online Entrepreneur

A poor way to understand the value of a thing is to compare it to something else. Yet that is by far the most popular way people make purchasing decisions. 


How influential is this concept? Well, a study was done once where a group of people were first asked to write down the less two digits of their social security number, and then to guess the price of luxury goods. 


What the researchers discovered was the bigger the number someone wrote down for their last two social security digits, the higher the price of the luxury goods they guessed. 


Yes, these two numbers have nothing to do with each other. But such is the flaw of comparing things side by side. It’s near impossible for most to avoid, even if they put effort into it. It’s just a bug (or feature?) of the human brain. 


Here’s why I bring this up - on this training here, we leverage this relative comparison technique to the max to give real value and make big bucks:


Watch Here

When you show a local business what they have vs. what they’re missing, it compels them to want to fix it. And then the choice is doing it on their own (unappealing to them) or through you (very appealing). 


Then it’s just a matter of if the price is right. And when you show them the price, they get giddy because it’s way less than they think… even though it’s way more than you’re used to making for the effort you’d normally put in. 


Can I do this concept justice in an email? Nah. But it is laid out bare for you to see and exploit for your own profitable gain here:


Click Here to Watch

The catch? It will no longer be free to view here shortly. So get in now… and while this works great under normal circumstances, it works the best under our current circumstances. 

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