I want you to try something today.
It's going to take you less than a second and you can do it right after you finish reading this email.
It will also seem super simple... on the surface.
Yet, this silly little thing, when you do it consciously for the first time, will ignite a certain process in your mind.
That process will take you from living a life of frustration and unfulfilled potential... to being able to finally call the shots. To spend life on your own terms and...
Live True To Yourself!
Are you ready?
Here goes: I want you to say NO to something today. Seems easy?
There's a twist. I want you to say NO to something (or someone) you'd normally have a hard time saying no to.
For example, if you're someone who wants to build a passive income stream, you might need to find the courage to say no to other requests on your time - such as Netflix in the evening, or eating a huge pizza that will leave you feeling sluggish, or a friend of a friend who wants your help because they're moving.
Doesn't matter what exactly it is.
It just has to feel sufficiently hard... like you're really making a trade-off.
Here's what will happen when you do that.
First of all, you'll teach your mind that you're no longer someone who's wasting time on things that are not essential to their life goals. Since we, humans, like to be consistent... your mind will start finding ways to be congruent with that new self image. You'll find it easier and easier to say no to things that aren't aligned with your true self.
Second, by saying no to one thing, you'll find yourself wanting to say yes to something else.
And, since you now have this new awareness (that you acquired by saying no), it's more than likely you'll be saying YES to things that help you achieve your goals and life a life congruent with your true self.
Third, being able to say no to things is a skill that a very few people have. And if you want to get results very few people are getting (be it in health, wealth, or relationships) you must do things differently than the majority -- and master skills that very few people have.
Why is this so important that I'm dedicating an entire post to this?
Let me ask you a question.
Have you heard the quote "I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me"?
It's the #1 regret of people who were dying, according to Bronnie Ware, an Australian nurse who spent several years caring for patients during the last 12 weeks of their lives.
By saying no, you're saying YES to living a life true to yourself.
Changes won't happen in a day. But keep trying. Say no to one little annoying thing you long wanted to get rid of. Start the process.
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