Friday, 31 July 2020

How everyday people destroy huge Influencers!

Master Online Entrepreneur

Most people I’ve talked to about this, firmly believe that…


Before you succeed online, before you even make a dime, you need to build an email list the size of several small towns.


(The average town population in the U.S. is 6,200 - and if you tell those people that you have an email list of “just" 6,200 subscribers, they’ll scoff at you and tell you to 2x, 3x, 10x that in order to have any chance of success!)


Another one that makes me laugh is…


“You need to be an expert on X in order to be able to sell people something related to X.”


If that were true, we would never be able to buy bread… because I seriously doubt that people who own Whole Foods or Costco are experts on every type of bread. Yet, they still sell it to us… successfully.


Yet another thing these people will tell you is that you need to have the “right” industry connections, you need to go to conferences all the time, schmooze, and shake hands, and maybe eventually you’ll be invited to after-event parties where all the deals are made and the secret info is shared. By the way, this one… may not be so far off.


But for the most part, people who will tell you won’t be able to succeed before you do this, that, or another thing…

They’ve Been Deceived.


I made a very smart investment earlier this year, where I got direct access to one of the industry’s top affiliates… and the information he shared has been eye opening.


The so-called "traffic experts” struggle to get 200 people to show up on a webinar.


Influencers like to dazzle you with the number of likes, followers, and subscribers, yet those influencers never show up on promotional leaderboards.


You know who does show up?


Sure, you get a bunch of hard-nosed pros on there, who have been at this for years.

You know who else shows up all the time…


Leaving all the influencers and industry know-it-alls scratching their heads?


People whose lists don’t exist. Whose marketing skills are not worth mentioning. Yet, they do one - and often only one - thing right.


The story is almost eerily similar every single time you see someone unknown totally crushing it on a leaderboard.


Most often, they were just a customer of a product, bought it, loved it so much they enthusiastically promoted it, and lo and behold - they sold tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands purely off their passion for the product.

How Is That Possible?

The math just works. Most products worth promoting launch at $2,000 or so, and offer 50% to an affiliate per sale.


To get top 10 on leaderboards (and this is something most people don’t know) you only need 25ish sales. Which means $25,000 in your pocket. Only 25 people.


Picking up 25 sales is often not a big deal. Most of these people hang out in small, tight-knit communities. Or, sometimes, they’re so excited about the product they harp to friends and family about it - and just purely on that, they pick up 10, 20, or more sales.

The Key...


Once you start picking products that you have access to and can get excited about… you won’t need a big list anymore, or jump through any other hoops you might’ve heard about are your “prerequisites” to success online.


How do you get access to not one, not two, but potentially dozens of high ticket products to evaluate and promote?


Remember I mentioned I made a very smart investment earlier this year?


Well, here are all the details - watch this:


Watch the Webinar


It’s open for a few days - and they’re going to make a HUGE announcement after this is over, which I’d hate for you to miss out on.


Product review access is just one benefit… a small one if you can believe that.


There’s so much more for you. So check it out now:


Check Out this Webinar


To Your Success!


PS. Don't miss this opportunity - Watch the Webinar

How To Create An Online Business That Makes Money 24/7

Thursday, 30 July 2020

The issue most marketers dance around..

I have some bad news for you.

If you wish to make it online, you must be willing to let go of any excuses you might have.

Here's the cold, hard truth.

Everyone I know that has succeeded online has worked hard. For some people, years went by before they saw any considerable success. They didn't give up. They powered through one obstacle after another... and finally, they tasted success.

You can do it, too. But it will require some elbow grease... and smart work. That's the only way you can actually shortcut the process and arrive faster.

Here's a few things that you need to start doing immediately - the minute you sit down to build a business.

#1 - Focus

If you look at the tasks that will benefit your business the most - the needle-movers - you'll notice that most of them require focus.

For example, if you need to write an email to your list, you need 100% focus for it to be any good. If, for example, your phone is distracting you all the time with notifications, or maybe you live in a really noisy neighborhood, or you pop open Facebook all the time, the email will be full of mistakes, it will be uninspiring, and it will just feel flat.

Same goes for almost everything else that matters.

Invest in a good pair of noise-cancelling headphones. Pop them on. Put a sign on your door so that you're not disturbed. Put your phone out of your sight. And get to work.

#2 - Stick With It

Rome wasn't built in a day. Some things take time.

Warren Buffet said: "You can't produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant".

Sometimes you just have to follow the process long enough to see the results.

#3 - Find The Time

All of us have to eat. All of us have to have a roof over our heads. All of us have to take care of our families.

Which, more often than not, means you have to make money. It's not optional. Either you work, or you don't eat. Simple as that.

Here's the thing. It's ok to have a job while you're in the building stages of your business. It's ok to have other responsibilities, too.

But you have to find the time whenever you can to move closer to your goals.

Let me know how that goes.

And thank you. I appreciate you being on my email list and making it through this post!

How I Started a SUCCESSFUL Business at 16 (Teen Entrepreneur)

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Are expensive courses effective?

I woke up today and it hit me.

Have you ever seen online courses that cost more than a very nice TV or even a car? I mean, there are courses that easily cost $2,000, $5,000 and even $10,000. A whole ton of money.

Are they worth it?

Most people will argue it's way too much and you're better served getting a lower priced option from another guru with decent credentials. They will argue that in some extreme cases, you can even find this information for free online.

On the other side of this debate you will have gurus that will go out of their way to justify the high price of the product. They will point out that they have created more successes than anyone in the particular niche, that "you get what you pay for", that while you pay more, you also get more, that they've done X or Y to make it almost impossible for you to fail, therefore the product justifies its high price.

I think that both sides miss the mark. They both have a point, but the real value of a high priced product is actually...

... it creates a higher level of commitment in you.

Research has proven that our actions shape our identity. (Most people believe it's the other way around.)

Here's what happens when you invest a downright scary amount in a product.

When you do that, you start building a new identity. You're literally telling your brain (through actions, not words - way more powerful!) that you're now someone who's seriously committed to getting a result in whatever the course teaches you.

Also, the bigger the amount, the more serious your commitment.

Think about this. If you spend $1 on an ebook that will teach you productivity secrets, there's a chance you might not take it seriously. (What to speak of a Youtube video that you get for free?) You might read it, you might not. You might watch it, you might not. There's an even slimmer chance that you will act on the advice.

On the other hand, if you invest $2,000 in a productivity course that contains the same information, but it's by someone with great credentials, tons of proof, it's delivered in a video format, it contains a private coaching bonus and what not... you're WAY more likely to succeed. Not just because you're getting all of this extra stuff. That's nice. But the key is you're taking this way more seriously.

So consider this the next time when you come across an expensive course and start to think whether it's worth it.

I still want you to make a smart decision, of course. Due diligence and all that.

But sometimes it's worth it just to invest big... to reap big rewards.

15 Businesses You Can Start For Cheap (or even FREE)

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Are you falling short of your True Potential?

Most people have a long list of reasons why they can't achieve their goals and dreams.

Can't lose weight? Can't build side income? Can't find the time to learn and better themselves? They will happily give you a long list of reasons why.

They will tell you things like...

"What do you mean I need to go out and exercise? I'm exhausted after my day job. All I have energy for is to crash in front of my TV!"

"What do you mean I should pick up a book? I work hard and I deserve rest eating fast food and scrolling mindlessly through the Facebook feed!"

"What do you mean if I created an information product I would have a passive income stream? Look at all the things I need to do around the house. Plus, isn't that super complicated?"

You get the picture.

They'll blame lack of time, they'll blame the taxes, they'll blame China, they'll blame everything except one thing.


Now let's be real here. A lot of people really are overworked, anxious, and desperate. There could be a ton of legitimate reasons why you perhaps don't have an ounce of energy left at the end of the day. And I'll be the first to admit it's not enough to just think positive, adjust your attitude and wait for things to magically start happening.

This might hit too close to home - and if that's the case, good!

There's one thing you need to ask yourself. Do you feel deep inside that even though you're tired right now, and there's no time in your life right now to improve anything... Life still has a lot more to give?

Would you agree if someone told you that you are destined for something greater than this? At least subconsciously? That if you were given the right set of tools and circumstances... you could do much more?

If your answer to any of the above is yes... read on.

Because you're right. But it's not going to be easy.

There's a great quote by great late Jim Rohn... that holds the solution to this.

"Don't wish it was easier... wish you were better!"

What if instead of coming up with reasons why you can't do something...

You came up with little tiny ways you could improve yourself every day?

If you dream of losing weight and having more energy throughout the day, what if you deliberately parked your car at the furthest possible spot when you're at the mall from now on?

If you dream of building a side business... what if you sat down, and found one potential customer and contacted them? Then, watched a Youtube video on how to do it better... and repeated the process the next day?

What if you're building an online business... what if you went out and invested in education on how to do that?

If you focused on tiny little improvements like these... you'd automatically get better and better every single day.

Soon... everything would start getting easier.

By the way, if you do this you'll soon notice your energy levels spiking.

That's what purpose does to you.

So once again, don't wish it was easier... Wish you were better.

5 Business Ideas To Start With NO MONEY In 2020

Monday, 27 July 2020

Try this Today!

I want you to try something today.

It's going to take you less than a second and you can do it right after you finish reading this email.

It will also seem super simple... on the surface.

Yet, this silly little thing, when you do it consciously for the first time, will ignite a certain process in your mind.

That process will take you from living a life of frustration and unfulfilled potential... to being able to finally call the shots. To spend life on your own terms and...

Live True To Yourself!

Are you ready?

Here goes: I want you to say NO to something today. Seems easy?

There's a twist. I want you to say NO to something (or someone) you'd normally have a hard time saying no to.

For example, if you're someone who wants to build a passive income stream, you might need to find the courage to say no to other requests on your time - such as Netflix in the evening, or eating a huge pizza that will leave you feeling sluggish, or a friend of a friend who wants your help because they're moving.

Doesn't matter what exactly it is.

It just has to feel sufficiently hard... like you're really making a trade-off.

Here's what will happen when you do that.

First of all, you'll teach your mind that you're no longer someone who's wasting time on things that are not essential to their life goals. Since we, humans, like to be consistent... your mind will start finding ways to be congruent with that new self image. You'll find it easier and easier to say no to things that aren't aligned with your true self.

Second, by saying no to one thing, you'll find yourself wanting to say yes to something else.

And, since you now have this new awareness (that you acquired by saying no), it's more than likely you'll be saying YES to things that help you achieve your goals and life a life congruent with your true self.

Third, being able to say no to things is a skill that a very few people have. And if you want to get results very few people are getting (be it in health, wealth, or relationships) you must do things differently than the majority -- and master skills that very few people have.


Why is this so important that I'm dedicating an entire post to this?

Let me ask you a question.

Have you heard the quote "I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me"?

It's the #1 regret of people who were dying, according to Bronnie Ware, an Australian nurse who spent several years caring for patients during the last 12 weeks of their lives.

By saying no, you're saying YES to living a life true to yourself.

Changes won't happen in a day. But keep trying. Say no to one little annoying thing you long wanted to get rid of. Start the process.

TOP 9 small business ideas for 2020

Sunday, 26 July 2020

How to Flip a Switch and fix your Mental Programming now

If you've ever tried to change someone's mind, you probably know that it's almost never possible if you just try to reason with them.

Let them experience something different and draw their own conclusions... you might very well succeed.

You're no different.

I could tell you all day long that you deserve success, wealth, health, and all the good things, and it would even feel good. Yet, after I'm done talking, you'd probably go back to your old beliefs.

On the other hand, if I let you experience what does it feel like to actually deserve those things...

You'd turn your life around in a very short period of time.

Because your beliefs have been changed… by yourself. With just a little help from the outside - the right kind of help.

How to Start a Business for Under $500

Saturday, 25 July 2020

2-3 things per day is all it takes..

"Being busy is a form of laziness. Doing less is the path of the productive." - Tim Ferris

Think about it.

If you've spent your entire day being busy, have you been productive or not?

On the surface, you probably got a lot done. Perhaps you sorted your emails, you went through the apps on your phone deleting the ones you don't use, you also sat in on a few meetings, then you went to pick up the groceries... and so on and so forth.

Did any of those activities lead you closer to your life's goals?

Probably not.

None of them moved the needle, so to speak.

So even though you got a lot more done... Were you really productive?

Compare the above to a day that goes like this:

You wake up with a very specific intent to apply yourself entirely to 2-3 things that you have written down the night before.

You execute on them without paying the slightest attention to anything else that's going on. Phone can wait. Emails can wait. Meetings can wait.

Probably by noon you've accomplished those 2-3 things that matter. Now you're free to do whatever else you want or need to do... and you're sure you've moved closer to your life's goals.

Now, are you productive in this scenario?


Now, it would be easy (and stereotypical) to wrap this email right here and tell you something generic like, now go, be productive.

That's not how I roll.

There's a secret ingredient to this. In order to be able to focus, you need to know you're moving in the right direction. You also need to know that things you're doing will help you align your life with your goals. Plus, you also need a plan.


Friday, 24 July 2020

Ever heard of ‘frork’?

I think almost every stupid invention was called a gamechanger at one point in time.

Remember frork? It was something McDonalds came up with to promote their new line of burgers a few years back. It was basically a fork, except its prongs were shaped like fries. McDonalds said it's meant for you to pick up all the delicious bits that fall out of the new burgers, or something like that.

Totally game-changing. Except, there already was a tool for that. The regular fork would work just fine for that purpose, and so would, I don't know, a French fry if you really were in a bind.

Pet rocks... don't get me started on those. The idea was actually brilliant, and my guess is even a bit ironic. But then a whole ton of people started to take that seriously. There are forums dedicated to these things, and a lot of people say that it's a game-changing concept, because rocks don't require care, feeding, you don't have to take them to a vet, and so on and so forth.

Or, let's look at something really recent.

There's a hydrogen fuel cell charger, which sounds super fancy and all, but the math doesn't quite work out - it costs $140 upfront and $40 for each additional cartridge. Yet... people still call it game changing.

On the other hand, you have really useful inventions, that were legitimate gamechangers...

... And they almost didn't see the light of day.

When Bell got the patent for the telephone and set about selling his invention, he approached Western Union, and offered them rights to his patent. The company bigwigs said no, and that "[the device] is hardly more than a toy".

Television was called a "commercial and financial impossibility", and film producer Darryl Zanuck stated, in 1946, that "people will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night".

And Wilbur Wright, two years before successfully flying the world's first powered aircraft over Kitty Hawk, NC, said, "Man will not fly for 50 years".

The bottom line is this.

It's often hard to tell whether something is a game-changer... or just stupid.

Yet, there's something that true game-changers have in common.

People who believe in these inventions. People who are not just hyping up things for the sake of it, but people with genuine belief.

I really believe in it. And to me, that makes it a game-changer.

How to Start an Online Business on Amazon the RIGHT way with no Technical Knowledge

Thursday, 23 July 2020

How to Work Less and get Paid More!

Imagine the following.

Day #1. You start a new business, you work on it for 5 minutes, that's it. Congratulate yourself on a job well done, move on to other things - work, Netflix, or a hobby.

Day #2. You continue working on your business, for 5 minutes, that's it. Congratulate yourself, move on.

Day #3. You continue working on your business. This time, you put in 10 minutes, and you feel pretty darn good about yourself. Congratulations are in order, and you move on with your day.

Day #4. ...well, this day you didn't quite have the time. Not to worry, you'll catch up the next day.


Day #30. You've long forgotten about your newly started business, your life is exactly the same it was 30 days ago.

This sucks, right?

Not to mention that the plan I just described doesn't make the slightest bit of sense when you look at it.

Yet, that's exactly what some productivity gurus are trying to teach you.

Do a little every day, take it slow, install habits, and so on and so forth.

This advice feels good when you read it.

The only problem is it doesn't work.

To me, personally... doing things like that feels like torture.

I want to go fast. I want to see results fast. I want to know whether what I have on my hands works, because if it doesn't... I better move on, right?

Consider the opposite scenario.

Day #1. You go hard at your new idea. Put in ALL your extra time and energy into it, give it your all.

Day #2, #3, #4. ...same deal. You do this for a WEEK. You work like you never worked before.

Then... will you look at that. You have built a solid foundation for a business that will make you money for years to come, and can now relax for the rest of the month, just tweaking a thing here or there.

Here's the thing.

The first approach is what most people take. They are hard workers, sincere, they show up every day, put in the same amount of effort. They're exhausted but they can't afford to relax. They have to go in every day to continue putting in the same amount of effort.

Very few people take the second approach. No wonder... because it sounds harder.

"Oh no, I'll burn myself out!"

Not to make fun of a serious condition... but no, you won't, You know why?

Because not only you'll work harder... you will also experience a completely different level of relaxation that only comes with knowing that you've created amazing results for yourself.

Not only that, you will, ultimately, work less and get paid WAY more if you do things this way.

Is there anything in your life right now that would benefit from this approach?

Let me know.

How to create a Facebook business page - step by step instructions

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

The Training Page is going down Soon


This is the last you’ll hear from me about this.


The training my mentor Jason Fladlien did where he revealed how you can leverage a handful of simple secrets to sneak your way in the huge industry of information products… is about to go away in a couple of hours.


You can still watch it here:


Watch Now


But do it now. I’m serious. 


I don’t think we even have time to make a cup of tea… it’s that urgent.


Watch it now before it goes away forever:

Watch Now

How to create a Facebook business page - step by step instructions

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Act like Most - get Results like Most (and Most are Broke!)


Most people won’t take advantage of these product creation secrets right here:

Take Advantage of those Secrets


In fact, most people receiving this email won’t even watch the training - even though it has the potential to pull them out of their financial misery once and for all… by showing the exact steps you need to execute to tap into a soon to be billion dollar a day industry.


It’s perfectly fine, to be honest.



I just don’t want you to be one of them!


I want you to be able to create successful information products in one sitting. I want you to be able to enjoy the built-in traffic these products will have. I want you to prosper.


All you need to do is watch this training before it goes away today… and then, make a decision to change. 


Watch the Training now

It goes away today at midnight Pacific time… so make sure you watch it NOW. It’s that important.

Learn How to Create Your Own Online Business: Free Class

Monday, 20 July 2020

First Time, Worst Time


This is almost always true. The first time you try anything new - from riding a bike to consummating a relationship - there is usually room for improvement. 


Most people give up on any online business before it gets off the ground. 99% of the time, it’s because their experience is a disaster at first and that failure traumatizes them.


I’ve been searching for a solution where the first time you could do it you could be god-awful at it and still get a great result… 


… and then each time you just level up your profits even more. 


I believe this is that solution:

See how to Level up Your Profits here


Even at your worst, if you follow the approach, you’re still better off than 99.9% of the population who isn’t even willing to learn the “basics”. So that’s why you’ll get results where they don’t, won’t and can’t. 


Check it out because this will lose it’s “free” status soon:

Watch Now while it's still Free

How I Became Successful In 34 Days (Ecommerce)

Sunday, 19 July 2020

What Real Secrets look like


We hear the word secret used in marketing all the time…


But what on earth does it mean? 

Probably anything. However...


Here are some real secrets to crush it with information products online, especially if you’re just starting out:

#1: Less is more. People would rather pay half as much for 1/10th of the information as long as it's the most important information. 


#2: Outcomes > Education. People don't want to learn, they want to remove limits.


#3: Desperation. The more desperate someone is for a solution, the bigger the chance they'll take on any solution, even if they think the solution is unlikely to work. 


#4: Feelings. The better you can make someone feel about following your solution, the more likely they are to actually get a benefit. 


I call these “secrets” because most people just aren’t aware of them and/or they don’t show up often in the real world. So if you can use them, you will greatly profit. 


To unpack these further so you can quickly profit from them, I recommend you watch this free on-demand training here:

Watch the Free Training Here


...where you’ll be shown exactly how to take these 4 secrets into action for real.

How To Sell On Amazon FBA For Beginners (A Complete, Step-By-Step Tutorial)

Saturday, 18 July 2020

Information Marketing Lies


Here are the lies people tell themselves about the information products business. 


Lie 1: you need to be an expert to create an information product. False. You can tap into expertise and “channel” it, and it can be done fill-in-the-blank style. 


Lie 2: you need to be well-known or have a following or at least a reputation. False. You can crush it without even using your real name or even putting any name on the information you’ll use to earn your fortune. In fact, when starting, your greatest advantage is the fact you’re unknown. 


Lie 3: you have to be a tech geek or know how to code or program to be successful. Hardly. Just like your smartphone is tap, touch and swipe, so is the digital information world. If you can do email, you can do this. 


Lie 4: It takes a long time to get going.


This is the one that gets most people, which is sad when there is a “hack” that can allow you to create killer info products from scratch in one sitting:


Grab Your access to the Hack now


Listen. When you hear the term info products…


You probably think of those 100,000+ word ebooks, or those 15 hour audio courses, or those 78-part video courses!


And while that is one way to do it, it’s not the way you should start with. 


You see people don’t buy products, they buy solutions. It doesn’t matter if those solutions can be learned in minutes. It doesn’t matter that your profit margin to deliver these solutions is nearly 100%, thanks to the internet. 


If you can help someone in a few short pages solve a big problem that has been keeping them awake at night and in mental, physical and emotional pain… and they pay you a lousy $10 for that solution… 


Who got the better deal, you or them? 


This is why you deserve riches with this approach here:


Find out How to grab those Riches here


Check it out while it’s available for a limited time.